Hi everyone,
The question is simple, who wears it best? Vote now to be entered to win an 18-inch American Girl® Doll and this beautiful outfit!
This week's Mod Doll Monday contest is featuring the Prairie Chic dress made by Karen Lorraine Designs. Would you like your chance to win this amazing outfit and a brand new doll? Be sure to vote to help us decide which doll models it best and be entered into the giveaway to win both a doll and the outfit!
More About The Dolls:
Truly Me #44 Doll: According to the American Girl® website, The 18-inch Truly Me™ doll has a huggable cloth body, eyes that open and close, hair that can be styled, and a movable head and limbs made of smooth vinyl. This doll has medium skin tone, curly dark brown hair, and hazel eyes. She arrives wearing a printed dress with a mesh hem, a zip-front moto jacket with a star zipper pull, and glittery flat shoes.
Truly Me #62 Doll: According to the American GIrl® website, The 18-inch Truly Me™ doll has a huggable cloth body, eyes that open and close, hair that can be styled, and a movable head and limbs made of smooth vinyl. This doll has medium skin tone, dark brown hair, and brown eyes. She arrives wearing a printed dress with a mesh hem, a zip-front moto jacket with a star zipper pull, and glittery flat shoes.
More About The Outfit: Offering an adorable on-trend outfit, this design consists of a sleeveless dress with a lined bodice and a three-tiered skirt. A variety of lace adds class and style to the armholes and neckline, while alternating lace throughout the skirt brings charm and femininity. A beautiful boho inspired look for your 18 inch doll!
Make It Today: Like the look and want to make your own? Click the image to take a closer look at the Tumbling Scallops Dress pattern (it's also available for 18" AG and other sizes too!)
Vote Now & Enter To Win: You enter through the entry form that is embedded on this page and appears just below this paragraph, if you don't see it, be sure to visit the page from your desktop or an alternate browser such as Google Chrome. It may not appear on all mobile devices. The complete rules and entry details appear on the entry form. This is not a comment contest - in other words leaving a comment on the bottom of this page is not an official entry method. The only required entry method is to vote in the poll to help us decide which look is best. One person will receive the doll and the outfit. You can enter once, or gain multiple entries by completing the other entry methods, and increase your chances of winning. Please review all Terms and Conditions on the giveaway page before entering. While we wish we could run this contest everywhere, for legal reasons it is only open to eligible residents of the U.S. and Canada, not including Rhode Island. This contest is exclusively endorsed by Liberty Jane Clothing and Pixie Faire. Not endorsed by or affiliated with American Girl®.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
More pictures of each doll:
We'd love to hear from you. Leave a comment and tell us - which doll wears it best! And be sure to thank Karen Lorraine for giving away such a beautiful outfit!
Thanks everyone,
The Pixie Faire Team
This is adorable I love the blues
Thank you Karen Lorraine! I think #44.
++This is so beautiful. My Grt Granddaughter who turned 5 yesterday would love this.plan on getting her an American Girl doll I plan on getting her an 18" American Doll and making a wardrobe for it for her. Thank you Karen Lorraine for such a beautiful design.#44 my choice
++This is so beautiful. My Grt Granddaughter who turned 5 yesterday would love this.plan on getting her an American Girl doll Igetting her an 18" American Doll and making a wardrobe for it for her. Thank you Karen Lorraine for such a beautiful design.#44
++This is so beautiful. My Grt Granddaughter who turned 5 yesterday would love this.plan on getting her an American Girl doll Igetting her an 18" American Doll and making a wardrobe for it for her. Thank you Karen Lorraine for such a beautiful design.#44
++This is so beautiful. My Grt Granddaughter who turned 5 yesterday would love this.plan on getting her an American Girl doll Igetting her an 18" American Doll and making a wardrobe for it for her. Thank you Karen Lorraine for such a beautiful design.
Love the look and the colors! I love doll 44 as she has curls and I love the curls!
I like it on #44 because of the way her curly hair frames the neckline. Love the outfit too! Thanks for all you do.
I like the pig-tailed #62 in this outfit best!
Thanks, Karen Lorraine…love it! I think both dolls are gorgeous, but my vote goes to #62.
Thanks for the beautiful doll and outfits. The curly hair that 44 has goes well with the outfit.
Thanks Karen! Beautiful work. I think #62 wears it best…but only because I like the straight hair and pigtails!
Thanks, Karen! I like the dress best on #44.
This is Adorable!! My vote is for #62. While the curls are adorable, I think the straight pig tails just radiate a “prairie” vibe!
Thanks, Karen! It’s hard to choose which doll looks stunning in your outfit, but I vote for number #44!
Thanks, Karen! It’s hard to choose which doll looks stunning in your outfit, but I vote for number #44!
Karen thanks for the adorable outfit. Well the 62 for me wears it best her features are most like my niece. She is battling leukemia for the second time and has always wanted an American girl. Thanks for the giveaway.
I think that #44 wears it best, her curls are so cute.
Curls are the best for this one, love it
Karen, Thanks for darling dress pattern! I think #62 wears it best….I would have worn my hair like that with this dress!
The outfits on either doll look beautiful but the curls on 44 catches your eyes and I think 62 poses better with outfit and I will give her my vote.
Thanks Karen Lorraine for this awesome chance. I think #44 wears it best. Perhaps it is her curly carefree hair.
My number did not come through on my previous post:#44!
I like #44 best, probably because of the curls. Thanks Karen Lorraine for the pattern.
Thank you Karen Lorraine
Too hard to choose!
#44. It’s the curls!
The outfit is just AWESOME! And #44 definitely wears it best!! :-)
I like #44 best.
I believe #44 wears it best. Thank you Karen for the beautiful outfit.
Thank you Karen Lorraine & I think #62 wore it best!
#62—love the pigtails!
My choice is #44. She looks gorgeous in the dress.
I like #62 wearing it.
I voted for #44. Thank you Karen Lorraine or donating the beautiful outfit. Love the pattern. Than you Pixie Faire for the chance to win a beautiful doll.
thank you I like 62 the best!
I love this style of dress and it looks best on #44.
Love #44. Her long curly brown hair brings out the blue in the dress. It looks like she is from the 70’s when the girls wore those prairie dresses. Wish they would come back in style.
Love the dress on both dolls, but loving it on 44 more. Love your contests.
I just love #44 in this dress she fits the style perfect! ? thank you so much for the giveaway!
I love this dress! #62 looks perfect in it!
#44, with the curly hair.
So cute i voted for 44
Oops, that should have been #62! I misread the number. Sorry!
I think #42 is more typical of the “mod” era….long straight hair was IN back then! Girls even ironed their hair (yes, on the ironing board, with an iron!) to make it straight.
Thanks, Karen Lorraine!
Love the curly doll
I have to say 44, something about the style with her curly hair is just adorable.
Usually I find pigtails youthful and fun. Here they don’t do it.
I much prefer #44 and her curls.
Thank you Karen for such a generous offer and a beautiful dress! I think the straight hair doll wears this boho dress best!
They both look adorable, but I think #44 wears it best! I love this dress! Reminds me of the dresses we wore in the 70s!
Love #44, the clothing suits the curly hair doll better.
I think #44 wears it best. Love her curls!
Love #44 and her ringlets. She looks fun, fashionable and ready to play! Thanks Karen for the adorable giveaway.
Thank you Karen Lorraine! #44 wears it best!
Doll#44. Darling outfit.
Thank you for the opportunity to win. I believe that #44 wears it best. She is adorable, by the way, I love her hair.
I vote for #44
I love #44!! Thanks Karen!
I love #44.
Doll # 44 is lively in the dress! Thanks for offering this. Either doll wears is well, but I love it on 44.
I vote for #62. Darling dolls and dresses!
Thanks for the giveaway! I like #62 wearing it.
Thank you Karen Lorraine. I think #44 wears it best.
Wow, that was a tough decision! I finally decided on #62. Thank you Karen! And thank you Pixie Faire for your giveaways!
Thanks you, Karen Lorraine. I voted for #44. Her curls and your dress are a perfect match.
I just adore Truly Me #62 Doll – she is just do cute in her outfit!! HUGS
I like #44 in this too cool dress the best!
I think #44 wears it best!
I vote for #44 — love her curly locks! The dress is darling…it reminds of the Gunne Sax dresses girls used to wear when I was in high school. (Am I dating myself? :D)
I think #44 looks best in the outfit.
Such cute outfits!
I think the curls on #44 are perfect with the dress style.
Thanks for the adorable dress! I have to choose #44 because she looks so much like my grand-daughter with those curls. Time to start sewing doll dresses again, wonderful inspiration!
I vote for #62, she wears it best. Thank you Karen for such a sweet little dress pattern!
I like #44
This was a tough choice. I kept going back and forth between the two because both dolls are adorable and the dress is sweet. I finally settled on #62 and not exactly sure why. I think its her straight hair. Thanks for the chance to win!
I think 44 wears it best.
A difficult choice! Both look lovely. My daughter says #44 because of her curly hair. Thanks!
#44, hands down.
I really like #44 the best, love her hair!
I think #44 wears it the best. Also like the hair the best.Thank you to Karen Lorraine
for another beautiful dress.
I think #44 wears it best.
#44. And thank you Karen!
I voted for #62 but they are both cute.
I like 44 she looks lovely.
Number 44 wears it best.
Love #62 in this outfit
Thank you Karen for sponsoring this week’s Freebie Friday. I voted for AG 44 because her curls look just great with your beautiful Prairie Chic Dress. That dress reminds me of a style that was popular in the ’70’s. Really awesome, and a fantastic color combination too. The sweet little sandals are the perfect touch. Love it!
I think 62 wears it the best, only because she reminds me of me, wearing a Prairie dress when I was a little girl with my hair held back in bows. Thank you Karen Lorraine awesome work.:)
Sue Fisher
January 12, 2018
Thanks Karen for a charming dress. I think #62 is more suited for the dress.