Hi everyone,
The question is simple, who wears it best?
This week's Mod Doll Monday contest is featuring a festive embroidered outfit made by Genine Allan featuring her Genniewren Designs pattern. Be sure to vote to help us decide which doll models it best and be entered into the giveaway to win a doll and the outfit!
More About The Dolls:
Beforever® Maryellen Doll: According to the American Girl® website, "Imaginative Maryellen Larkin™ has hazel eyes that open and close, and her long strawberry-blond hair is worn in a high ponytail with sideswept bangs. She comes in an authentic 1950s outfit: A striped dress with a sweetheart neckline, tailored bows, and a full skirt, An aqua lacy-knit shrug monogrammed with her initial, Black Mary Jane shoes, An aqua ribbon bow on a ponytail holder for her hair. The 18" Maryellen doll has a huggable cloth body, and her movable head and limbs are made of smooth vinyl. She comes with The One and Only: A Maryellen Classic 1 book.
Truly Me® #62 Doll: The 18-inch Truly Me™ doll has a huggable cloth body, eyes that open and close, hair that can be styled, and a movable head and limbs made of smooth vinyl. This doll has medium skin tone, dark brown hair, and brown eyes. She arrives wearing a printed dress with a mesh hem, a zip-front moto jacket with a star zipper pull, and glittery flat shoes.
More About The Outfit: Your doll will love this festive holiday outfit designed to fit 18" American Girl® dolls! This dress was made by Genine herself as a prototype for the Machine Embroidery pattern! The Snowflake dress is a traditional style dress with a difference. It features a full fitted, lined bodice with sleeves, a gathered knee length skirt and peter pan style collar. Ideal for a Christmas party dress paired with a pair of black patent Mary Jane style shoes! The design set includes a charming gathered waist apron sprinkled with snowflakes and features a delicate heart-shaped pocket.
Make It Today: Like the look and want to make your own? Click the image below to get the Snowflake Dress & Apron machine embroidery design:
Vote Now & Enter To Win: You enter through the entry form that is embedded on this page and appears just below this paragraph, if you don't see it, be sure to visit the page from your desktop or an alternate browser such as Google Chrome. It may not appear on all mobile devices. The complete rules and entry details appear on the entry form. This is not a comment contest - in other words leaving a comment on the bottom of this page is not an official entry method. The only required entry method is to vote in the poll to help us decide which look is best. One person will receive the doll and the outfit. You can enter once, or gain multiple entries by completing the other entry methods, and increase your chances of winning. Please review all Terms and Conditions on the giveaway page before entering. While we wish we could run this contest everywhere, for legal reasons it is only open to eligible residents of the U.S. and Canada, not including Rhode Island. This contest is exclusively endorsed by Liberty Jane Clothing and Pixie Faire. Not endorsed by or affiliated with American Girl®.
a Rafflecopter giveawayMore pictures of each doll:
We'd love to hear from you. Leave a comment and tell us - which doll wears it best! And be sure to thank Genine for giving away such a cute outfit!
Thanks everyone,
The Pixie Faire Team
Such a cute idea! Thank you so much Genine! I love all of your patterns and designs! And thank you Cinnamon for everything you do!
Thank you for the giveaway! I think MaryEllen wears it best.
Such an adorable outfit, and I think it looks nicer on #62. Thank you Genine for such a sweet dress.
Such an adorable outfit, and I think it looks nicer on #62. Thank you Genine for such a sweet dress.
the dark haired #62 looks much better in the cute dress. Last comment did not take all the message, sorry
Maryellen is my favorite. What a cute dress pattern.
I just love this gorgeous outfit on Maryellen but as anyone who’s read my posts know I just love strawberry blonde hair. I know, it’s that shade of red that got her my vote. Thanks Genine for supplying such a great outfit for this week’s contest! It looks great on both dolls.
MaryEllen is my favorite. I love her red hair and bangs.
Thank you Genine. Adorable outfit. I like how it matches the redhead.
I love it on #62 girl!
Much thanks to Genine and to Pixie Faire for this outfit and the cute dolls. Love the embroidery that accents this apron and dress, Genine. One adorable outfit. I am leaning towards Mary Ellen today but who knows which way I will lean tomorrow.
IT is hard to decide. But I think this dress really works well with MaryEllen’s hair color and style.
Thank you Ginine-such a beautiful outfit. Normally I go for strawberry blondes but this outfit seems to look best on the lovely #62! Such a pretty doll and dress!
Thanks Genine! Both dolls look great but I am partil to #62 and her dark hair.
Thank you Genine and Cinnamon. Love the outfit on Maryellen.
So cute,Genine! Thanks again, Cinnamon and Pixie Faire for having these fun contests. I think #62 wears it best.
Such a cute outfit! Love them both But I think #62 wears it best !
I prefer #62 – thanks for the contest.
Thank you Genine, for a cute outfit. My vote goes to Maryellen. She looks very pretty with her hairs and her skin tone. Just ready for christmas bakery.
Both are so sweet. Maryellen wears it best this time. Thank you for the contest.
My vote is for Maryellen – a 50’s dress for a 50’s girl! Thanks Genine, love all your designs!
I love the detail on this dress. Maryellen’s hair really pops against the navy, but they both look great.
Without a doubt, Maryellen she looks adoreable ❣❣❣❣
Love the embroidery! Mary Ellen is my choice.
#62! Not everyone looks good in black. Thanks Genine for offering such a cute pattern!!!!
Love Mary Ellen the best ! She wears the dress so beautifully with her hair color! She is just darling!
THANK you for yet another lovely “contest” !
MaryEllen is my choice. Thank you for another great pattern and chance to win.
The one who wears it best is #62.
Oh my gosh! This dress is SO delightful!! Luv it esp on Maryellen. Thank you for such an amazing giveaway!
Beautiful job Genine, Thank you!
I like number 62.
What an adorable outfit! Thank you so much to both Cinnamon and Gennine for sharing. ? Both dolls look darling, but #62 gets my vote!
I vote for Maryellen!
Maryellen with her coloring she wears it best.
Thank you for the contest. I love that Mary Ellen. She looks so sweet in this.
It was very hard to choose but I’m thinking Mary Ellen’s hair color brightens up the dress. This Genniwren Design apron dress is very cute.
i like # 62. Thanks Genine for the cute outfit.
I’m a big fan of #62, but Mary Ellen won it for me…
Thanks Genine! I love your dress on MaryEllen!
I love Maryellen in this dress! I like her coppery hair anyway, and it looks so good with the trim on this darling dress! I’m feeling the need to buy this pattern as all the dresses are so cute. I don’t have an embroidery machine, but I could add some hand embroidery like I used to on my daughter’s baby dresses. Thanks for all you do!
Maryellen wears it best.
TM#62, she looks perfect in it!
First of all, Thank you Genine for the beautiful giveaways. I feel Mary Ellen wore it best because of her hair color being light and brings out so much better. She looks sophisticated with a touch of glitter.
A very sweet outfit – thank you! Lori
62 looks the best with her dark hair. Thank you Cinnamon!
Thank you, such a cute dress! I think Maryellen wears it best, but I’m partial to redheads.
I vote for Truly Me #62. Love the dress!
Maryellen! The colors work so well with her hair color. It shows a warm coloration for her.
I like the dark haired #62 best.
We like the doll without bangs! ;) Love, love, LOVE your embroidered outfit, Genine!
I’m loving Maryellen in this adorable dress!! I love the color combination and it looks great with her coloring. Thank you Cinnamon and Genine for this wonderful opportunity!!
I think Maryellen looks better in this dress since it really compliments her hair color.
Awwww Maryellen looks so sweet!!!
Beautiful Outfit! I like the outfit best on Maryellen, her bright red hair compliments the dress perfectly.
Thank you Genine for the beautiful outfit.
I choose Maryellen as I like the way her gold hair goes with the gold coloring in the outfit. :~)
The Maryellen doll I like the bangs and am sure my neice would love her as she is named after her grandmother love ur patterns
I like Maryellen, but it think it’s the bangs not the outfit
I think Maryellen wears it best with her bright hair. Thank you for this opportunity and thank you Genine for the beautiful outfit. Love your patterns.
Maryellen gets my vote, but both are cute
Maryellen gets my vote, but both are cute
Thanks so much! I love the outfit on #62, but I voted for Maryellen because I love the retro look (I have a #62, and I just can’t see her as anything but a moddie!)
Beautiful outfits. American Girl #62 wears it beautifully!! She’s my pick!!!
Maryellen is too cute in this outfit.
Maryellen is too cute in this outfit.
I love the beautiful dress on Maryellen.
I think #62 it’s the cutest thanks for hosting this giveaway
Thanks for another opportunity Cinnamon and thanks for a really cute outfit Genine. My vote is for hazel eyed Mary Ellen.
I vote for Mary Ellen because her bangs go perfectly with the style of the dress. Thank you for this offer.
I think #62 wears it best.
I love the dress and especially on Mary Ellen!
Love the outfit and it looks great on both of them but I have to give my give my vote to Maryellen. Her hair colour makes the trim on the dress pop.
Thanks Genine! I always seem to be the unpopular opinion (maybe I’m just drawn to the underdogs?), but I think #62 wears this outfit best. I think the color of the trim clashes with Maryellen’s hair, but it brings out #62’s complexion beautifully!
MaryEllen FTW!
thanks for the contest.
Thank you Genniewren for the wonderful absolutely adorable patterns. I voted for Maryellen even thought they both are cute. It brings out her coloring.
I think that Mary Ellen wears the dress the best. I think the color of her hair and eyes make the dress stand out. Thank you Genine
I select Maryellen. Red hair runs in my husband’s family and we have one very red head child.
Thanks! Sandy
Genine, what a beautiful design! I selected #62, but really both dolls look wonderful in this gorgeous dress.
I picked Maryellen. What a cute dress and apron.
I love them both, but I think Maryellen has the slight edge this week.
Definitely Maryellen!! Her hair goes with the dress really well.
I love this dress on #62. The pattern is so cute! Thank you, Genine, for the beautiful outfit and thank you, Cinnamon, for the chance to win the doll!
I think that Mary Ellen wears the dress the best. I think the color of her hair and eyes make the dress shine. Love the dress colors.
Mary Ellen is a beaut! Thanks Pixie Faire and American Girl!
I think #62 wears it best.
Maryellen’s hair helps bring out the gold highlights in the outfit. Love it.
Thank You Genine!!!! I choose #62. I have not been able to afford to get an American Girl Doll for my youngest daughter yet, but winning this doll with the beautiful outfit would make a 10 year old little girl very happy.
Thanks, Genine! I think the darker-skinned doll wears it best.
The dress is beautiful. Thank you, Genine. I prefer Maryellen.
Number 62 is my choice! Thank you, cute outfits!
MaryEllen’s colouring looks wonderful with the colours in the dress.
We love it on #62. It looks adorable. We love Maryellen though1! Thank you for the giveaway!!
Genine thanks fir such a cute pattern. The dress is so c7te it reminds me of a dress a young German girl would wear. Perfect for my daughter because of our German heritage. I think MaryEllen wears it the best.
MaryEllen is beautiful in the outfit. Thank you Genine!
December 01, 2017
Thanks Genine. The outfits are beautiful on both dolls. I choose #62. It was a hard decision.