Hi everyone,
The question is simple, who wears it best? Vote now to be entered to win a 14" Doll and this historical dress!
This week's Mod Doll Monday contest is featuring the Carrie dress made by Shari Fuller of Thimbles and Acorns. Would you like your chance to win this outfit and a brand new 14" doll? Be sure to vote to help us decide which doll models it best and be entered into the giveaway to win the doll that receives the most votes and the custom outfit!
More About The Dolls:
WellieWishers™ Camille™ Doll: According to the American Girl® website, Camille adores the ocean—and she’s mellow as a mermaid. She’s the one her friends turn to when they need someone to listen. This 14.5" (36.8 cm) doll is sized just right for younger girls. She has blue eyes, a freckle on one cheek, and silky blond hair that can be brushed and styled. She includes: A deep-blue tee with glittery mesh ruffles, A tie-dye print skirt with a handkerchief hem, a glittery mesh layer on top, and a bow at the waistband, A coral starfish clip for her hair, Light-pink underwear, Blue wellie boots with red fins and smiley fish faces. Find Welliewishers Camille on Amazon
More About Hearts For Hearts Girl® Consuelo: Consuelo stands 14 inches high and has a posable, smooth vinyl body, and high-quality rooted hair for hours of doll play. Her hair is a waist-length fall of shining black and her eyes are deep brown with copper highlights. Consuelo comes dressed in a ruffled, lace-trimmed turquoise skirt and a lime-green blouse with lively floral embroidery on the collar.
More About The Outfit: This “Carrie” dress is a reproduction of the dress that Carrie Ingalls wore in a photograph that was taken around 1880, the year so vividly recorded in Laura's book “The Long Winter”. The princess-lined double breasted dress is sewn in a festive calico print that would also make a perfect dress for the holidays!
Make It Today: Like the look and want to make your own? Click on the image below to find the pattern...
Vote Now & Enter To Win: You enter through the entry form that is embedded on this page and appears just below this paragraph, if you don't see it, be sure to visit the page from your desktop or an alternate browser such as Google Chrome. It may not appear on all mobile devices. The complete rules and entry details appear on the entry form. This is not a comment contest - in other words, leaving a comment on the bottom of this page is not an official entry method. The only required entry method is to vote in the poll to help us decide which look is best. One person will receive the doll and the outfit. You can enter once, or gain multiple entries by completing the other entry methods and increase your chances of winning. Please review all Terms and Conditions on the giveaway page before entering. While we wish we could run this contest everywhere, for legal reasons it is only open to eligible residents of the U.S. and Canada, not including Rhode Island. This contest is exclusively endorsed by Liberty Jane Clothing and Pixie Faire. Not endorsed by or affiliated with American Girl®.
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We'd love to hear from you. Leave a comment and tell us which doll wears it best! And be sure to thank Shari for giving away such a cute outfit!
Thanks everyone,
The Pixie Faire Team
The Carrie Dress looks lovely on either doll. But Consuelo gets my vote. I think the chosen dress fabric complements Consuelo’s dark hair & complexion.
Consuelo definitely wears this look best. Thank you for the opportunity to vote and the chance to win a gorgeous doll and outfit!
I think Consuelo wears it best. I use to love watching Little House on the Prairie.
Thanks Shari! I think Camille models this best.
I love them both, but Camille stole my heart in this outfit. That fabric is lovely!
Consuelo gets my vote with the dark eyes and dark hair that contrasts so beautifully with the bright colors in the dress.
I voted for Consuelo love the brown eyes, she looks best in this outfit…Thanks Shari for the sweet outfit. Tanks also to Cinnamon and the Liberty Jane and Pixie Faire Teams for all they do for us.
Thanks Shari Lovin Chamile as she looks like Carrie from the TV show
Both dolls look beautiful in the dress, but this time the dice say Camille, Besides, she looks like one of my granddaughters. Thank YOU, Shari!
They are both absolutely adorable, as I grew up with Little House on the Prairie books theses bring back many memories, Consuela gets my vote today, her darker complication wins me over, Thank You for bringing back wonderful memories of Laura Ingles Wilders books!
Both dolls are adorable and each wear the outfit well. Consuelo is my favorite.
Consuelo wears it best. She looks like our Samantha with the dark hair. What a great gift to give.
Camille looks so lovely in this old fashioned outfit. She looks like a newly arrived European or English arrival, who is looking forward to her new life in a new country!
Thank you Shari. I love Camille in this adorable outfit.
Thank you, Shari. I think Camille wears the adorable outfit best.
Adorable outfit. I vote for Camille.
Thank you for the chance! Camille is so cute and my favorite!
Wow!! Tough decision, but I have to go with Camille. Thanks Shari
I like them both, but forced to choose one I would say Camille. I love your dress design; Thank you so much sharing in this contest.
Consuelo looks great in red! So I voted for her but they both are cute.
I think Consuelo wears it best this week.
Camille please
I vote for Camille!
Thank you Shari for such a adorable outfit. I truly think Camille wears it the best………
Camille :)
Love this beautiful outfit. I think Camille models it best.
I love Consuelo’s big eyes staring out from under the hat!
I love them both, but I do think this particular dress looks awesome on Camille.
Thank you Shari, your designs are beautiful.
Camille is my favorite. The Carrie dress looks really good on her and I love the print and colors of the dress.
I have made the Little House outfits in the past for little ones to play Mary, Laura, Carrie, and Grace. I made dresses, petticoats, bonnets, and long socks. I’m voting for Consuelo.
Consuelo all the way, if for no other reason than her gorgeous brown eyes looking out from that bonnet. Thanks very much, Shari!
Love Conseulo’s skin color and the contrast it provides :-).
Thank you Shari and Cinnamon. I visited the Old Tuscon Movie Studio in Tuscon, AZ a couple of times. You can see the clothes from the “Little House On The Prarie” television show displayed there. This studio was used in the filming of the show. Cute on both dolls. I did choose Consuelo.
I love Consuelo’s big brown eyes !!
Thank you Shari. I would love to have one of these dolls. I think the outfit looks best on Consuelo. I love her big brown eyes. Her darker complexion looks best with the red.
Consuelo wears it best and thanks Shari !
I think Camille wears the Carrie outfit best. It’s adorable and so is she! Thank you, Shari and Pixie Faire, for this lovely giveaway!
My vote goes to Camille.
Thank you, Shari and I would love to win this doll.
Thank you ‘sew’ much Shari for this opportunity. Camille and her big baby blues looks SO americana pioneer. I love it!
Thank you Shari. Camille wears it best.
I think Camille wears it best. Thank you Shari!
My vote has to go for Consuelo – her coloring is just perfect with that beautiful outfit! Thank you Shari for your generosity!
Consuelo looks amazing. I think the colors make her eyes just pop.
This timeless dress would look great on any doll! I love it on both! But my little girls love American Girl dolls so Camille gets my vote.
This dress is perfect on Consuelo! What a beautiful doll in a gorgeous dress!
Shari, thanks so much for sharing your outfit. I think Consuelo wears it best!
I think Camille’s face looks best framed by rhe bonnet. Otherwise both look wonderful. Thank you all for offering this!
I just love the combination of fabrics in these dresses.
Love Camille for my Granddaughter! This outfit is amazing on her!
Camille is my favorite even though I like it on both!
So cute. I think Consuelo wears it best.
I think this prairie dress looks best on Camille because she looks like Carrie Ingalls in it! Thank you for all your contests and freebies!
Thank you Shari, I love the Carrie dress on Consuelo. The red just makes her brown eyes shine. Thanks again!
I must admit in the first picture of the two dolls together, Consuelo’s face is just the cutest. But I voted for Camille because she looks like Carrie (Little House on the Prairie). The outfit looks like it belongs to her. I think Consuelo looks more sophisticated and like she’s modeling the outfit.
I’d have to say that I love the fabric choice on this dress. I also like how it ties in the back. Very sweet set.
Liked Consuelo in this dress
Consuelo is my favorite but, I think they both look amazing. Thank you for all the great patterns.
Consuelo – thanks for the chance.
I love both but think Camille wears it better. Thanks Shari! The outfit is gorgeous
one more vote for Consuelo – the dress colors compliment her rich coloring – thank you for your time and effort
Consuela wears it best! Camille is cute, but the dress is not beach-y enough. Consuela looks like a little house girl.
Consuela wears it best! Camille is cute, but the dress is not beach-y enough. Consuela looks like a little house girl.
Thank you for the chance to win this sweet outfit, Shari! I think it looks best on Camille.
the dress is so cute I voted for Camille thank you for your wonderful giveaways
It was Mary and Laura Ingalls, not Marie Ingalls. I like Consuelo because of her eyes made me notice her outfit more.
Oh! The Carrie dress is so cute in this size! And I think Camille wears it best because she reminds me of Marie Ingalls… Consuelo’s coloring is beautiful with the dress, though.
Wow! This wa a tough choice. The dress looks lovely on each of them. But Camille gets my vote. Thanks for the opportunity
Camille gets my vote!
Camille gets my vote.
I think Carrie is so cute, she looks like my daughter, BUT Consuelo looks so fabulous in that bonnet I had to vote for her.
Thanks for this contest opportunity. I’ve been wanting one of these dolls since they came out. They are too cute. They are both adorable in this outfit but Consuelo’s huge brown eyes peaking out from under that hat brim won my vote. Happy Holidays, everyone.
A big thank you to Shari and the Pixie Faire team for another chance to win. Lovely outfit on both dolls, but the blue eyed blonde has me sold.
Love the pattern & Love them both – Consuelo already lives at my house – but I truly think Camille wears it best!
I think they are both so cute but with Camille’s blond hair it brings out the colors in the outfit so much. Thank you so much for the great giveaway.
So cute! I think Camille look the best.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Love it on Consuelo! Love her big eyes. Thanks for the giveaway, Pixie Faire!
Love the Carrie dress and bonnet. Love Camille best. Thank you.
I think Consuelo because of her light skin color. She just shines in it.
I think Consuelo because of her light skin color. She just shines in it.
I love it best on Camille! Thank you Shari and Cinnamon for the fun giveaway!
I love it best on Camille.
I think Consuelo wears it best. Thanks for the giveaway!
I preferred Consuelo, when I see his brown eyes it took my heart, I just see her,
tank you to give us the chance to win this gorgeous doll. Have a good day
I have to go with Camille on this one.
So Cute! I vote for Consuelo. Thank you Shari and Pixie Faire.
They are both just the cutest dolls ever. I wish they had them available here in Aus.
I adore Camille.
Thank you for the cute dress Shari. I think Camille looks the best in it.
Thanks for sharing-definitely Camille
I think Consuela wears it best!!
Thanks Shari for this contest and for all of your awesome patterns! I love them all! I think the dress looks positively adorable on both dolls; so it was a really hard choice. I finally went with Camille because she reminds me of Carrie from Little House on the Prairie; especially when she was young.
Thanks Shari. I voted for Camille.
Adorable outfit. Camille, with her big blue eyes, seems very happy wearing the beautiful clothes.
Love both of them, but am a bit more partial to Camille!
My vote is for Camille. She is lovely in the cute outfit.
My vote is for Camille. She is lovely in the cute outfit.
November 30, 2018
I love both but I really love the outfit on Consulea!