Hi everyone,
The question is simple: who wears it best? You vote to help us decide and one lucky participant will receive a 14.5-inch American Girl® WellieWishers™ Doll as well as this outfit from Liberty Jane!
More About Each Doll:
More About The Liberty Jane Outfit: This outfit features pieces made by Cinnamon herself as the prototype designs used as cover images for her Liberty Jane doll clothes patterns! The darling pink Salina Top paired with black skinny jeans is a fun look for spring! We've completed the look with pink polka dot Open Toe Janes shoes designed to fit the welliewishers doll and accessorized it with a tiny gold purse!
Like the look and want to make your own? These patterns are available for 14.5" dolls (as wells as 18" doll size):
Vote Now & Enter To Win: You enter through the entry form that is embedded on this page and appears just below this paragraph, if you don't see it, be sure to visit the page from your desktop or an alternate browser such as Google Chrome. It may not appear on all mobile devices. The complete rules and entry details appear on the entry form. This is not a comment contest - in other words leaving a comment on the bottom of this page is not an official entry method. The only required entry method is to vote in the poll to help us decide who models it best. The doll with the most votes will be given away with the Limited Edition Thimbles and Acorns Dress. One person will receive one of the dolls and the outfit. You can enter once, or gain multiple entries by completing the other entry methods, and increase your chances of winning. Please review all Terms and Conditions on the giveaway page before entering. While we wish we could run this contest everywhere, for legal reasons it is only open to eligible residents of the U.S. and Canada, not including Rhode Island. This contest is exclusively endorsed by Liberty Jane Clothing and Pixie Faire. Not endorsed by or affiliated with Wellie Wishers®.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
More pictures of each doll:
We'd love to hear from you. Leave a comment and tell us - which doll modeled it best! And be sure to thank Cinnamon for giving away such a cute outfit!
Thanks everyone,
The Pixie Faire Team
I love the sassy look of Camille! She is beautiful in her cute little outfit with her shoulder bag. Thank you for the great outfits.
Thank you so much for having the Mod Doll Mondays. It is fun to see the various outfits chosen for the girls…
Ashlynn just does it best with those freckles. Over the top.
Both dolls wear the outfit well, but Ashlyn wears it better. The color of the outfit really makes her skin tone glow!! I would be thrilled to win her.
I vote for Ashlyn Love her long hair and the bangs -looks great with the pink
Both are super cute, but IMO Camille does it better. :)
I vote for Ashlyn. I think the pink really looks great with her dark hair. thank you Cinnamon for your wonderful designs. I’m going to get back to dressing dolls again. It was so much fun years ago when I was doing it. Even though I’m 77, I still love dolls and have a lot of them to prove it.
Ashlyn because the pink looks best against her skin.
I think Ashlyn looks the best in the outfit. Thanks for the giveaway!
Ashton has my vote. Although Cammile is a close second.
Camille looks pretty in pink!!
Thanks so much Cinnamon! I vote for Camille.
I vote for Ashlyn. Too cute!
I really like Ashlyn, I love her hair both the color and bangs and length. Thank you Cinnamon. You are very generous.
I think Ashlyn is so cute in this dress! Thanks Cinnamon!
I love this on Camille! She reminds me of my granddaughter, Tiegan!
Definitely Ashlyn. The colouring she has is perfect for the pink top.
Definitely Camille, looks just like my daughter.
I think Both look good but i like Camille better
These clothes are beautiful Cinnamon! Love them! Both dolls are adorable, but I thin Ashlyn wears it best. Thank you!
I think the pink looks good against Ashlyn’s complexion.
I think Camille wears it best.
My daughter is blonde and blue-eyed, so Camille reminds me of her. Thanks for hosting the Monday giveaways!
I think Camille wears it best. The colors and shape of dress are great on her .
I vote Ashlyn. Who says blondes have more fun!!
When I was a kid my blue-eyed father used to make fun of us kids with brown eyes, so my heart goes to Ashlyn. I think she is beautiful.
I have some blond granddaughters and this color really looks nice on them, as it does on Camille:)
I vote for Camille. He blue eyes just pop! Cute outfit! Tjanks, Cinnamon, for the give-away!!!
Ashlyn. Looks really good against her darker skin.
Camille is just so cute.
Thank You Cinnamon for Mod Doll Monday . I look forward to it every week . Ashllyn is my favorite . She looks great in the outfit . I also think she would look good in purple .
I like the way Ashlyn looks in this outfit. Good luck to you all. :-)
Thanks Cinnamon for offering such an awesome giveaway. I kind of like Camille- pretty in pink.
Both of them are so cute, but I am casting my vote for Camille. The pink, her eyes and hair go so well together and brighten up the whole outfit!
Ashlyn def. Her coloring can take the bright pink while it washes out Camille’s fair complexion. Great that you have these giveaways. Many thanks, Cinnamon!
I think Camille looks best in this outfit.
Ashllyn looks totally “hip” in this cute little outfit. She wins my vote.
Thank you so much Cinnamon for hosting this great giveaway. I love the look of Ashlyn and especially in the lovely outfit.
I like both Camille and Ashlyn in this adorable outfit/shoes, but in this case my heart goes to Ashlyn with her long dark hair and sweet freckled cheeks!
Love Ashlyn’s dark hair against the bright pink!
I believe Ashlyn wears it best. I love her cute freckles and dark long hair. The top and jeans really look great on her.
The bright pink is stunning on Ashlyn. It makes Camilles pale coloring look even more washed out.
Ashlyn. Her freckles won me over. Both are adorable. Thank you.
I just love Ashlyn! Thanks!!!
This shade of pink isn’t something you usually see on dolls with Ashlyn’s colouring, but it’s striking. Plus, with her freckles and bangs she looks more like a young girl the Wellie Wishers are meant to be, where as the outfit make Camille look older.
Ashlyn- the pink looks great with her dark hair.
Both are adorable but Camille is one of my favorites!
Ashlyn looks so good in this! Pink looks great on her… and I love her freckles!
Thank you for the giveaway! I think my grandniece would say Ashlyn definitely wears it better. (I think so too!)
I vote for Camille.
I think Ashlyn looks adorable in the outfit
I like both Camille and Ashlyn in this adorable outfit/shoes, but in this case my heart goes to Ashlyn with her long dark hair and sweet freckled cheeks!
Camille for sure
Going with Camille!
Two happy little girls!! These new WW are so cute!! I lean a little more to Camille. Thanks for this opportunity. Adorable LJ outfits too!
It was hard to choose, but Camille won out, I love them both. Thank you!
I love Ashlyn in this outfit!
I think Camille wears it best. Thank you Cinnamon and staff. Love your site.
I’m in love with Ashlyn doll. She really carries off the outfilt and is so cute
Camille wears it best in my opinion,,although they are both adorable
Thank you for the wonderful giveaways… I think Ashlyn wears it the best. The colors fit her coloring.
Camile wears it best!
I think in this outfit (which Cinnamon did a wonderful job designing) Camille displays it best.
I think the outfit really pops on Ashlyn.
I think the outfit really pops on Ashllyn
Thank you so much for offering so MANY freebies all year long!!!
Ashlyn looks adorable in the cute outfit with her bangs and freckles! The outfit is just her style!
I definitely think Ashlyn wears I best!
I vote for Camille but then I’m a sucker for blonde hair and blue eyes!!! Both are adorable…
Camille definitely rocks this outfit. The pink really makes her blue eyes sparkle.
I love the dark-headed Ashley
Thanks Cinnamon for all that you do. Especially offering free dolls. I dream and hope one day to win one of the precious dolls(angels) My very on My frien is much loved and a great model, but she is lonely and would also love to have a playmate. Here’s hopin anda wishin.
Ashlyn has perfect coloring for this outfit. Thanks!
Thanks for the opportunity to win. I think Ashlyn wears it best.
I think Camille models the outfit best. I love the way her blond hair hair looks with the bright pink top. She definitely rocks this outfit!
Thanks Cinnamon! I voted for Ashlyn only because I already have Camille! They both look adorable!.
Thank you Cinnamon for Mod Doll Monday! Like every doll lover, I love dreaming of possibly winning a doll one day. The Wellie Wishers are just adorable. They look great in the well-designed garments from Pixie Faire. I love both dolls in your outfit; but I am especially drawn to the Ashlyn doll with that adorable pink fabric that really sets off the doll’s skin and hair color. So very cute! I love Pixie Faire!!!
I prefer Ashlyn in the outfit. Brunettes and pink go together.
I thought Ashlyn wore the outfit best.
I like the outfit better on Camille, the colors suit her very well!
When first looking at them I thought Camille modeled it best and I voted for her. Now, after looking at all the pictures as I scrolled down I’m not so sure. They both are great in the outfit!!
This one goes to Camille! I love the way her blond hair and light features blend in with the pink. It makes her smile brighter!
Thank you Cinnamon for the pattern. I think Ashlyn wears the outfit best.
I think the pink looks best on Ashlyn. However, they are both pretty.
Ashlynn has my vote. She looks grown up and the bag she’s carrying goes with her. Camille is also very pretty with such an angelic face, but to me she doesn’t look as grown up and thus looks like she’s playing dress up with that bag.
I tried to leave a comment in the voting section but it would not let me so will leave it here. Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your beautiful dolls. This gives each of us the hope we may be the lucky one (wish it was me this time?). Enjoy Spring as it progresses faster in some areas than others. I am in southern Ontario and forecast for 2" of snow on Thurs. nite. Oh well, soon. Thanks again.
I think Ashland looks best :)
Thanks Cinnamon! I think that Camille wears it best.
Ashlyn gets my vote.
Both are beautiful dolls, Ashlyn’s delightful freckles and gorgeous dark hair are a perfect compliment to the adorable Liberty Jane Outfit. Thank you for the opportunity to enter your amazing give-away!
Like them both, but I choose Camille this time. I am glad to see more 14.5 patterns. Thank you
Wow! Both so beautiful. Thank you Cinnamon (and Jason) for the wonderful gifts. My favorite gift is Sew Powerful…. you make it possible for beautiful girls a world away to be successful in school. I thank you for all that you do….
I think Ashlyn looks best
Thanks Cinnamon, for all you do to make our hobbies enjoyable! Both dolls wear it well, but I think Camille looks super cute in pink—we see her so much in blue and green that the pink is a surprise.
I just couldn’t resist those freckles, so my vote goes to Ashlyn who doesn’t resemble my Grand Daughter even a smidgen but her social butterfly personality does … ☺ … and I think she would love her. To conclude; IMHO because of her complexion she also wears the custom outfit the best and thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity to possibly win her.
March 29, 2017
Pink is deffinatly Cameilles color with her blue eyes, beautiful !
I do vote for Camille, my favorite !!!!!