SWC Fall 2020 Updates


Hi everyone!

I hope you’ve had a great September! 
The Fall launch of Sewing With Cinnamon & Friends is happening this week and I wanted to share a few of the details. We asked our community what they wanted in the program and we had over 900 responses to the survey! Wow. Thank you! We’ve been working hard to re-imagine how to improve the benefits, reduce anything that was confusing, and create an even more exciting program than we had before.
Here are some details:
Open Enrollment: The doors will be open to the new program this Thursday at 12:01am. We’d love to have you help us spread the word. We have a very nice new landing page that will have all the details. This works now, but please don;t share it until October 1st.
I encourage you to check it out, it's a much more in depth landing page with links to all the SWC sections you'd be looking for as a member. The buttons along the top of the page will take you where you want to go :) but only work if you're logged into your custoemr account.
As a current member - you don’t need to do anything. Nothing changes for you in terms of your enrollment. If you are subscribes at $14.99 /mo. and are interested in modifying your subscription to one of the other options (quarterly or annual) to take advantage of the savings, just let us know. We can change your plan and send you an email to confirm the new billing cycle.
Biggest Program Changes: Although there are many small improvements, the biggest program changes falls into two areas. I’ll mention them here briefly and then on Thursday you’ll see these changes take effect.
Pattern Coupons (um, I think this is a pretty big deal, you asked, we listened!) : Going forward members will be able to use their monthly Sewing With Cinnamon coupon for any Pixie Faire pattern ($5.99 value or less), not just Liberty Jane patterns. Of course, you can apply the coupon to a higher priced pattern and simply pay the difference too. 
Video Library: Going forward the entire catalog of Sewing With Cinnamon video blog posts are available to members to access and view at any time. They are available in a “view only” mode. This will allow us to better cross reference the instruction and will provide a great user experience!
Of course, you’ll still be able to down-load the current month course once it's consolidated into a PDF as a member.  We have made this an open coupon redemtion, so if you're not interested in the current months topic, you can use the course code for a different tiopic and download that in it's place.
We've created a new Sewing WIth Cinnamon Classroom page to act as a menu for all the topics, pattern hacks, and sew alongs available.
I think this is my favorite part of the upgrade! It makes it easy to find anything that you might be looking for! Each image links to the cooresponding set of blog posts for that topic.
You'll also notice that the SWC Blog now has a tiny dropdown menu that provides you with an easy way to search for the specific topics you're looking for. It's sorted by the same topics as the Classroom page, just a different view. 
Again, the doors will be open to the new program this Thursday at 12:01am. Do us a huge favor and welcome the new members as they join the Facebook group. We'll approve them in batches through out the day or week depending on the flow.
The October topic will launch on Tuesday October 6th. That first post will include the coupon codes for both the pattern and the course download. We will have the Natural Dyes and Serger Topics available as PDFs this week. 
Honored to sew together,




October 06, 2020

I too like the idea of being able to choose a topic, if current topic isn’t my thing, but I have also found that I actually tackled something I would have not done, like the denim jacket! Thank you.

Carolyn Carrothers
Carolyn Carrothers

October 02, 2020

I’m a current member. I’ve been here from the beginning.
I have a couple questions
1) will my monthly payment be dropped to the lower price?
2) How long do I have to sign up for the yearly to save money? Money is very tight , I’ve been out of work for months . I’m self employed with no income. Looking for work.

3) I have missed monthly downloads of the classes. Can I still get those without using a coupon?
Thank you


October 01, 2020

LOVE the new look, easy access, and all the new options, Cinnamon!
I’ve been along since the beginning so the new option for patterns i extremely welcome.
I always download the courses, even ones I haven’t participated in . . . one day, you never know, they WILL come in handy.
Thank you and all your team for ALL your good work (including SP).

Maureen W.
Maureen W.

October 01, 2020

Great new look! The ‘SWCCP’ is gonna be great also, good to be able to use the monthly coupon for ANY pattern, Thank you! Can’t wait for the new programs too begin….take care all❣


October 01, 2020

your changes sound great, especially the patterns as I have most all LJ patterns and others.
just wondering—there were at least 3 topics I did not participate in; either no interest or as kim’s statement-don’t own a serger and not going to buy one. any substitute for those classes not participated in?

kathy m.
kathy m.

October 01, 2020

love classroom sometime when i sew how that done now i look up what great idea


October 01, 2020

It would be nice to search for hacks than scrolling through each page to find what might be what you are looking for or something to try.


September 30, 2020

Nice to hear that we can change the current months topic. Some of the topics I was not interested in and I don’t own a Serger, so did not take part in it.

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