Sewing A Themed Wardrobe Aussie Style Master Class Video Course


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Sewing A Themed Wardrobe Aussie Style! Course Overview:

Hi Everyone! Are you ready to explore another Sewing A Themed Wardrobe topic? This one is Aussie Style! This is going to be a look back at some of the early Outback Libby collection outfits as well as a look at the theme for the newest American Girl® doll Kira Bailey™. Her story takes place in Australia, so it's a perfect mix of things we've already created mixed with what's current and modern in the doll community.

Over this 4-part topic we are going to do a sew-along for our newest design, Outback Libby Alice Springs.This features classic design elements, working with fabrics that everyone should feel comfortable with fabrics like cotton lawn, lightweight quilting cotton, crinkle rayon, and more. 

We'll break apart the sew along over the 4-part topic to really be sure we take our time and no one feels rushed! We'll be mixing in some other things into each post as we explore the Kira Bailey collection too! We'll look at her wardrobe through a fun "compare & contrast" video, as we look at the Pixie Faire pattern collection to create pieces that are similar to what's offered and to create things that would also complement her existing collection!

        About The Curriculum: You will receive a PDF course guide with information and video download links. The content for the course is broken down into a four-part series, each with in-depth video instruction. The videos can be streamed online or downloaded for offline viewing.

        Note - This is the same course offered in May 2021 through the Sewing With Cinnamon Membership.


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