We've put together the ultimate guide to sewing summer trends for your doll! We hope this trend report inspires you to sew up any summer outfit you can imagine! For more fashion inspiration, check out our trend report for Spring 2020.
Giveaway Alert! We're giving away one $50 Pixie Faire Gift Card!
Be sure to scroll to the end of this post to enter our limited time contest. Leave a comment and tell us: What's your favorite part of summer?
On trend color combinations for this summer season include:
Tie dye is a summertime classic that we've been seeing already this year all over our Instagram feed. You can buy tie-dye fabric, or dye your own with the help of our great tutorial!
Looking for some pattern designs that would really pop with tie-dye fabric check out these options:
The halter style bodice is another summer classic. To make it feel of-the-moment, try making a matching set with coordinated top and bottom fabrics, or make a dress out of that perfect summertime stripe or floral fabric.
Another trend we've been seeing that is easy to incorporate into any of your favorite dresses or jumpsuits is a tie front belt detail. This flatters the waist and makes the whole look feel finished.
There are so many great ways to add a ruffle to an otherwise basic top or dress to create a really fun and feminine look.
Here are a few designs that highlight the ruffle element beautifully:
To enter this week's contest, simply click the link below and then enter through the giveaway widget at the bottom of the blog post, there are many things you can do to earn multiple entry points!
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We'd love to hear from you. Leave a comment and tell us -what's your favorite part of summer? Commenting below and confirming your entry in the widget above gives you one entry method, the other methods are listed in the widget above, be sure to enter in as many ways as you can to receive the maximum amount of entries to win one PF Gift Card!
Thanks, everyone!
The Pixie Faire Team
This summer I am enjoying growing a garden and being outside
Usually summertime makes me feel energized, but with social distancing and taking care of my 91 year old dad, I feel sad. God has plans for all of us and this too will pass.
My favorite part of summer is the warm weather after a cold winter and daylight saving time when it starts getting light at 3 am and it stays light until 10:30 in the evenings. I can putter in the flower gardens and hope I won’t be fighting off mosquitos.
My favourite part of summer is enjoying the flowers.
My favorite part of summer is dressing in cooler, brighter clothes!!!
My favorite part of summer is visiting my family.
My favourite part of summer are the long hot nights spent with my partner watching the kids playing with their favourite toys that I have made dolls clothes for.
My favorite part of summer is sitting on the porch and watching the hummingbirds drink nectar from the pink honeysuckle or the dragonflies sit on a piece of wrought iron for a rest. My little flower garden is small but it is lovely.
I love summer and being outdoors and playing with the grandkids.
No homework.
I liked that I am able grow a garden and flower. Seeing all the color in the yard make me happy.
My favorite part of summer is more time spent outside. I especially enjoy summer mornings outside.
Mt favourite part of summer is that, because I live fairly far north, each day is filled with light from early, early in the morning until late, late at night – and even when the sun sets, the sky is white!
My favorite things about summer: No snow; nice warm temps; opening up the windows to let in the fresh air; warm summer rains; no heavy coats; no mittens/gloves; birds building nests, young chicks hatching, lots of beautiful songs from the birds; all the wildlife to watch; taking the dog for a walk; sandals; summer salads and summer fruits; filling flower pots for the yard; watching all the vegetation become green again; sitting on our front porch knitting while my husband reads.
My favorite part of summer is working in my flowers and enjoying the fresh air, listening to the trickling of the water fountain & watching the birds eating and visiting the birdbath coming for a drink & splashing around cooling their bodies in the water!
Sitting on the front porch watching the wildlife and fresh veggies out of the garden!
My favorite part of summer is no heavy coats and running around with bare feet and sandals.
Sitting on the front porch watching the wildlife and fresh veggies out of the garden!
Though I’m all grown up, my favorite part of summer is still the end of school.
I can’t be in the sun, so I spend most of my time inside sewing.
My favorite part of summer is enjoying my small, private, garden, whether eating a meal outdoors or reading in a comfortable chair.
I can’t be in the sun, so I spend most of my time inside sewing.
My favorite thing about summer is working in the flower gardens and seeing all the beautiful flowers bloom. I love having the house opened up so the breeze can come through.
Normally my favorite part of summer is traveling and camping with family. This year I’m happy to be able to go outside and enjoy walking the neighborhood or enjoying our own yard.
My favorite thing of summer is camping under the stars.
Normally my favorite part of summ
My favorite part of summer is the relaxed schedule compared to when everyone is is school. It’s nice to sleep in, garden, sew, go swimming, eat outside, etc.
My favorite part of summer is the fact that I get to do whatever I want for three whole months!
My favorite part of summer is spending quality time with my kids and grandkids, although this year will be just in the back yard but we will be together.
My favorite thing about SUMMER?
My favorite thing about SUMMER is when the SUN is SHINING BRIGHT. Ir is when I do not have to wear dresses, pants, knee high boots, anything that covers me from head to toe. THAT is what i love about SUMMER!!
My favorite part of summer is going north to visit my grandchildren. We sit around the fire pit and roast hot dogs and make s’mores. They live in the mountains, it’s so cool and peaceful there. Probably won’t go this year, but I will look forward to next year.
I’m spending my summer on chemo maintenance, still confined to my home until someday, the Buffett Cancer Center in Omaha can again treat patients who are immuno-Compromised. Since the main hospital is the center for serious COVID cases in Nebraska, that will be quite a while. Until I am off these mind and body altering drugs, I can’t do any sewing. When I’m healthy again, I’m going to sew like a demon.
Being able to enjoy the weather and the flowers that bloom, especially the fragrant ones!
My favourite part of summer is having my daughter home from school.
going to the beach
My favorite this about summer is being outside enjoying nature, camping and of course bbqs with family and friends.
I love seeing and smelling the flowers in bloom. Watching the songbirds sing their songs is what make summertime great.
Beach trips and beautiful flowers! My favorite part of Summer!
I love all the colors of the flowers and sitting on the back porch with a gentle breeze and reading a good book.
Warm sunny days and BBQs
My favorite part of summer are the long, warm days.
I love the colors of summer with all the beautiful flowers!
The longer days so I can still work in the yard when the day cools.
the great family get to gathers with cousins, sons and daughters. Extended family and adopted family and friends.
My favorite part of summer is having my granddaughters come and stay with us for a week. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic that probably won’t be happening this summer.
I love to feel a breeze on my skin!!!
Honestly, I prefer the spring and fall. I prefer the cooler weather and low humidity. But, I love to swim in summer! I also get to be a part of a music/leadership summer camp that is really awesome and definitely my favorite part of the season.
My favorite part of summer is the end when things get cooler and there are fireworks and parades and community picnics.
I love summertime because it’s the time I get to go visit my kids and grandkids far away so I always look forward to Summer.
My favourite part of summer is being able to connect with and visit with family.
My favorite part of the summer is. Enjoying looking at my beautiful yard and all the flowers I have planted over the years, filling my home with fresh bouquet such as day lilies, roses,Shasta daisies and much more. Enjoying life and thankful for Gods beauty He has created. So blessed!
My favorite part of summer is wearing shorts and flip flops. Of course Swimming is a treat and enjoying the parks.
My favorite part of the summer is spending time outside ! I love
working in the vegetable garden, watching vegetables grow which I have sown. I also like the flowers in the garden and take care of them.
And outside sewing doll clothes or sewing clothes for myself is also part of it. Oh
I really like summer !!!
What I love about summer is everything. The children playing outside laughing and enjoying themselves, the warm breezes, the flowers, green grass and full leafed trees, the fresh air and all that summer can bring.
I love to garden.
I like riding my horses and working in the garden.
My favorite part of summer is spending time with family!
My favorite part of summer is getting my grandchildren and spend quality time with them. I miss them so much with this pandemic. They live 3 1/2 hours away, so I can’t even see them.
My favorite part of summer is flip flops, seriously!
The sun and outdoor activities.
Taking my grandkids to the park and feeding the ducks
My favorite part of summer is reading on my deck and resting my eyes on my neighbor’s infinity pool.
I live in Florida, close to the Gulf. When summer comes I spend time at the beach as often as possible. The sound of the waves and water, the beautiful color when sun hits the water, and of course getting into the water. I all feels soooo good.
The smell of flowers, the sounds of birds, long legged fawns with their mother on the edge of our field, lazy mornings drinking coffee in my rocker on the porch.
My favorite part of summer is to take pictures of my AG dolls at the beach in lots of handmade cloths.
My favorite part of summer is being able to wear my cool, floaty summer dresses.
My favorite thing about summer is finally being able to open the windows. Letting fresh air into the house, listening to the birds and all their different tweets, smelling the flowers and freshly cut grass. Seeing everything turn green and colorful. And today I was able to see our newly hatched baby birds on our porch. Life is good🥰
My favorite part of summer is flowers and vegetables growing and being outside in the garden!
My favorite parts of summer are the beautiful green leaves on trees, flowers, warm breezes, and being able to go barefoot!
My favorite part of summer is simply getting outside to enjoy the sun, fresh air and all the wonderful colors.
Favorite part of summer is flowers, flowers, flowers. Container plants on patio, plants around the edge of house, and lots of vases full. Love tiny containers of pansies. So Sweet!
My favorite thing about summer is camping, roasting hot dogs over the campfire and making smores.
My favourite part of summer is normally being able to go outside, almost daily, for a walk about with my grand daughter, Liara, and thus we can enjoy the fresh air and sunshine! Unfortunately, the pandemic will likely make this impossible this year? Ta, Deb.
Love warm weather, grilling , eating outside and the longer days!
My favorite part of summer is the heat! My joints get to pretend they’re sixteen again for a few months! 😁
My favorite part of summer is working in my vegetable garden while dreaming of a huge salad created from those veggies. Thank you for another chance to win.
my favorite part of summer watch for falling star and make wishes and the campfires
My favorite parts of summer are the colorful flowers and hummingbirds.
I love summer barbeques and swimming parties with family and friends.
My favorite part of summer is going swimming in our backyard above ground pool, planting flowers all over in pots and celebrating the 4th of July with special red, white & blue Jello and mini backyard fireworks and sparklers. Warm summer days with gorgeous blue skies. The sound and smell of a neighbor mowing fresh cut grass takes me right back to my childhood. All I have to do is close my eyes and I’m 8 years old again with fresh summer smells and the sound of baseball on the radio. I can see my dad building our backyard bar-b-que out of red bricks and cement. A simpler time. Biggest worry was what doll to play with today!
the flowers being outside warmer weather
I am a therapist in the public schools so i still have that “Last day of school” feeling! I love my summer memories…roller skating, riding bikes and playing jump rope. And playing Barbie on the front porch with my friends!
My favorite part of summer is spending time at our lake house.
My favorite part of summer is the long days, warm weather, and being able to wear shorts, tank tops, and flip-flops every day!
My favorite part of summer is air conditioning and ice cream!
My favorite part of summer is enjoying being outside and being with friends and family.
My favorite part of summer is being outside. I love to take the time to sew, also, as I am a teacher and the school year is VERY busy!.
My favorite part is being able to hang out with family and friends.
My favorite part of summer is when I get to be with family and friends as we hang out together.
My favorite thing about summer is the warmer weather and nature itself.
My favorite thing about summer is the warmer weather and nature itself.
My favorite things I love about summer are pick nicks and barbecues, the beach and swimming, camping, and most of all being with friends and family.
My favorite thing about summer is 4th of July, fireworks, and ice cream!
My favorite part about summer is the endless creative possibilities inspired by nature and my granddaughter.
Love the summertime, warm weather, long days living at the lake from Memorial Day to Labor Day!
I love being able to walk in the woods again!
I love all the green of Nature’s summer gown! Watching the wildlife that live around my house and enjoying a bit of relaxation and family time.
Outdoor family get togethers. We get together at the park on Sunday afternoons or at someone’s house. Our son comes home to Michigan from Oregon for a week and we ride our recumbent bikes. The sunshine just brightens up everything!
June 12, 2020
I love the colors of all the flowers and seeing the new green leaves that have grown on all the tree.