12 Days Of Christmas - Day 6 December 30th, 2017

Welcome to Day 6 of our 12 Days Of Christmas celebration! Today we are giving away a 6 piece collection of knit and crochet items for an 18-inch doll to one lucky winner! Your 18" American Girl doll will look fabulous in these new accessories perfect for layering over basic tees and tops. 

Giveaway Update: Congratulations to Lee!  You've won the knitting and crochet package and have been contacted through email.


The 5 ready made items featured in this giveaway were handmade by Cherie of Ma Petite Cherie and Jen of A Little Knitty from the following patterns: Spring Crossover Wrap, Cir-Collar Vest, Pamela Poncho, Ovation Vest, and Cabbage Roses.

We're also including the A Little Knitty Learn To Knit Course and Kit with this giveaway! Jen has created this kit exclusively for Pixie Faire and will walk you through all the foundation techniques needed to tackle many knitting patterns. Over the course of the virtual workshop, you will create a Poncho, Hat & Scarf for your favorite 18" doll. Learn more here...

More pictures of the intems included in todays giveaway:

We're so excited that you're participating in this contest! We'd love to know how you heard about Pixie Faire... To enter today's giveaway, leave a comment below and  complete this sentence:

"I first heard about Pixie Faire from (insert how/where)..."

Comments must be left (on this blog post) by midnight (pacific), 12/30/2017. 

One entry per person.

No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Must be 18 or older to enter. While we wish we could run this contest everywhere, for legal reasons it is only open to eligible residents of the U.S. and Canada, not including Rhode Island. This contest is exclusively endorsed by Liberty Jane Clothing and Pixie Faire.

The winner will be chosen randomly from the comments received and contacted through the email provided in the comment.

We will choose a winner and modify this post tomorrow to let everyone know who won.

Okay, good luck, and if we’ve forgotten anything we will modify and/or update this post as needed.

Happy New Year!

Cinnamon & The Liberty Jane / Pixie Faire Team


Pamela D.
Pamela D.

December 29, 2017

I first learned of Pixie Faire whilst surfing the net for free patterns for my granddaughter’s dolls. So happy I found this community of like minded people.

Linda Rae
Linda Rae

December 29, 2017

I first heard of you from a friend in MO who has a non profit company. She sews doll clothes for girls in the hospital! She needed help. I volunteered and that’s where I heard about your website!

Trish C
Trish C

December 29, 2017

I first heard about PixieFaire from surfing the internet while looking for free patterns. At first, I thought it was too good to be true…a company that sells patterns giving away a free pattern every Friday? I’m so happy that I found this site!

Mae Lynn
Mae Lynn

December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire from an internet search for 18" doll clothes patterns and I look at this site almost every day.

Wendy O
Wendy O

December 29, 2017

As the “Leader of the pack” when it comes to sewing 18" doll clothes, in our circle of friends, I was the Nana who first heard about Pixie Faire while searching for “FREE” patterns for 18" dolls on the Internet. I have purchased several patterns from Pixie Faire since then and have joined in to several classes. I love the site and recommend it to everyone who sews, knits or crochets doll clothes!


December 29, 2017

The first time I heard about Pixie Faire was looking for doll clothes patterns. I was excited to see there was so much available and the quality was amazing. My granddaughters had dolls that needed clothes, therefore I went exploring and found Liberty Jane. I am so thankful I found this site.

Dien B
Dien B

December 29, 2017

I first heard/saw about pixie faire, on pinterest looking for free 18 inch doll patterns. I knew about it for over a year before I realized that they were giving away free patterns every week!
I love the variety of patterns there areally available here!

Marguerite E. Dawson
Marguerite E. Dawson

December 29, 2017

I love Pixie Faire patterns. I own several of them.


December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire when searching doll clothes patterns on Pinterest.


December 29, 2017

Love those look so delicate and beautiful.


December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire from a Cute Embroidery ‘cutie’ about 2, maybe 3 years ago and I have been a fan ever since. I absolutely love your patterns and ideas, and of course I can’t wait to win one of your contests ;}


December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire from a good friend who sews clothes for her grand-daughters for their 18" dolls. Have been a faithful follower ever since! Love your site!!! :)


December 29, 2017

I first heard of Pixie Faire when I was searching for American girl dolls on the internet.


December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire from a friend in our quilting group. I was trying to sew doll clothes and she had her pre-school age daughter with her. She recommended Pixie Faire to me and I’ve been addicted ever since! Thank you for your awesome patterns!


December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire through an internet search several years ago. We were giving our granddaughter an AG doll for Christmas. I was so excited to discover the beautiful patterns on Pixie Faire.


December 29, 2017

I hear about pixie faire when I was Google doll clothes patterns .


December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire from doing a search online when I was trying to find sewing patterns for American Girl dolls.


December 29, 2017

I first learned about Pixie Fair while searching the web for 18 inch doll patterns that were different from those that I could purchase through my regular fabric store. I had two granddaughters who had each just acquired their first 18 inch dolls. One a historical character doll and wanted additional period clothes and the other an equestrian who wanted riding clothes and Western wear. So glad I found Pixie Fair.

Juanita L.
Juanita L.

December 29, 2017

I first heard of Pixie Faire from the Sewing for Our Eighteen Inch Dolls yahoo group.


December 29, 2017

I first heart about Pixie Faire when I was starting to see and searching google for doll clothes patterns. And your site popped up! What a great site, so lucky to have found it!

Lee Wilson
Lee Wilson

December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie /Faire from my sister who make amazing clothes, including all kinds of shoes from ice skates to cowboy boot to running shoes, for 18 inch dolls.


December 29, 2017

I first found Liberty Jane Clothing when searching for 18" doll clothes patterns quite a few years ago. LJC then changed to Pixie Faire and I have been a customer ever since.


December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire from a friend and do love your site!


December 29, 2017

I first learned of Liberty Jane Patterns/Pixie Faire while reading a newspaper column written by a woman who specializes in thriftiness.

Diane R.
Diane R.

December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire from the Liberty Jane website as it was coming into existence.


December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire from looking for doll’s pattern over internet. So lucky to find your site.


December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire when I was looking for doll patterns on the internet. i have purchased many and love the free Friday patterns.

Crystal Drummond
Crystal Drummond

December 29, 2017

… internet search. Wonderful find! Love The patterns.

December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire when I decided to start making doll clothes for my future great grand daughter. I stared by searching for 18" doll clothes and came across your Webb site and have been hooked. Love the variety and freebies on Friday,

Jill D
Jill D

December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire from Etsy and Pinterest.

Amanda F
Amanda F

December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire through a web search for doll clothes patterns.

Ann Beall
Ann Beall

December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire from an internet search for doll patterns. Came here, shopped, and come back every week now. Thank you for such a valuable resource.


December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire from the AG doll group I belong to on Yahoo……Sewing Gifts on Time….love it!


December 29, 2017

I heard about Pixie Faire from a good friend. So love your patterns.

Carolyn Carrothers
Carolyn Carrothers

December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire from an internet search for 18 inch dolls and doll clothes.

Penny Yuditsky
Penny Yuditsky

December 29, 2017

Love Pixie Fairie! Sister turned me on to PixieFairie & Freebie Friday, I don’t get to sew as much as I’d like… but I expect once I retire I won’t have to purchase any patterns!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Come on retirement! :-)

Mary R
Mary R

December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire in 2015 after purchasing patterns through Zulily! Love um, wanted more!


December 29, 2017

I first heard of pixie faire from a google search.

marie peters
marie peters

December 29, 2017

“I first heard about Pixie Faire from (Facebook)…” – I am a member of various doll and sewing groups in South Africa and this name cropped up – so I followed it up and there you were!

Linda M.
Linda M.

December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire from Pinterest. I was looking for doll clothes patterns that I could purchase digitally and had done a web search and it came up on Pinterest and I went to the site and was very excited to pull up so many wonderful patterns. I haven’t even begun to purchase yet because I am finishing a run of patterns that I already had purchased from the pattern store but am very excited to get started. I am a sort of immediate gratification seamstress and when my grandchildren ask me for something for their dolls I want to be able to download it and start sewing in minutes. LOL Love your site and all your patterns.


December 29, 2017

I first heard of Pixie Faire through searching the internet for free American GIrl patterns.


December 29, 2017

was searching for better doll clothes patterns when I found Pixie Faire. Little did I know that my expectations would be exceed by what you offer.


December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire when I googled doll clothes years ago. I first started buying patterns from here when it was still Liberty Jane.

Susan Paquin
Susan Paquin

December 29, 2017

I opened up Etsy, did a search, and there you were. Curious, why isn’t RI alllowed to participate?


December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire from a Google search looking for Bitty Baby doll clothes patterns.


December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire in a Facebook group where completed projects are shown off and questions/advice/help to finish projects is asked for.

Cindy Perry
Cindy Perry

December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire from Pinterest

Margaret Evelyn Tatum
Margaret Evelyn Tatum

December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire when I was looking at Doll Dairies. Boy did that change things for me. So much fun.


December 29, 2017

I googled 18" doll clothes patterns and there was pixie faire. I couldn’t believe it. All those patterns all ready to download. Each one includes a gem of advice or a great technique in addition to the pattern. Really, really wonderful resource as I am not creative enough to come up with my own! Thanks for being there. Please don’t stop.


December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire over the internet, google search for 18 inch doll clothes patterns


December 29, 2017

First heard of Pixie Faire while searching for doll clothes on pinterest.


December 29, 2017

It was a dark and stormy night….searching on the net, Liberty Jane popped up which lead me to this fabulous site. I’ve never had to search anywhere else.

Leslie Loren
Leslie Loren

December 29, 2017

I first heard of Pixie Faire while searching the internet for AG doll patterns.

Lisa Crawford
Lisa Crawford

December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire from following Liberty Jane. I think I originally heard of Liberty Jane watching some American girl doll video blogs on YouTube

Bunnie E
Bunnie E

December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire from Pinterest while searching for 18" doll clothes patterns.


December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire from a search for 18 inch doll clothes patterns.


December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire from Pintrest of course and now I am addicted!

Susan C.
Susan C.

December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire from doing a search. I wanted to make doll clothes for the 18" doll and the search let me know about Pixie Faire. When you go into the Pixie Faire website, time seems to escape because you want to look at all the wonderful patterns.

Ann M
Ann M

December 29, 2017

About a year ago my daughter asked me to make some doll clothes, so I googled “free 18” doll clothes patterns" and discovered Pixie Faire.

Laura L.
Laura L.

December 29, 2017

I learned about Pixie Faire while searching for patterns for 18” dolls, might have even been Pinterest. Did you guys post early for the 30th?


December 29, 2017

I first heard about Liberty Jane way back when Cinnamon would make outfits and sell them on eBay. I remember thinking that her designs were awesome and wished she would sell patterns. She soon did. Which was a perfect idea.

Karen G
Karen G

December 29, 2017

I had originally googled 18 inch doll clothes patterns and that is how I found you.


December 29, 2017

I first heard about pixie faire from a friend when I asked her where she got her 18 inch doll clothes patterns.

Kathy Davis
Kathy Davis

December 29, 2017

I first heard about Pixie Faire from an internet search for 18 inch dolls and doll clothes.

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