Welcome to DAY 8 of our 12 Days of Christmas celebration!
For our 8th Day Of Christmas giveaway, we are doing a GIVEAWAY of one Brand New American Girl Girl of the Year 2022 Corinne Tan! (or an equivalent gift card, if desired) to one lucky winner! Woot, Woot!
We're so excited to see this new 18" doll, her little sister, Gwynn, and her complete collection themed around winter sports and snowy mountains! Being from the Seattle area, we say the phrase, "The mountain is calling..." all the time in reference to Mt. Rainer. It's so exciting to see this theme brought to life in such a beautiful way!
With a new doll, means new patterns at Pixie Faire, and an emphasis on patterns that we have to compliment this new collection too! Here's are some patterns that you might like to take a closer look at.
In February, Sewing With Cinnamon will be featuring the topic: Sewing a Themed Wardrobe: Winter Sports. We'll showcase some new ideas and share techniques for sewing with appropriate fabrics for the different looks! With the Winter Olympics coming in February too, it will be a great time to stock up on new patterns and new project ideas!
To enter this week's contest, simply click the link below and then enter through the giveaway widget at the bottom of the blog post, there are many things you can do to earn multiple entry points!
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Entry method #1, comment on this blog post finishing the following sentence…
“My favorite winter sport is ________.” Tell us why :)
Comments must be left (on this blog post) by midnight (pacific) on Saturday, 1/1/2022.
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We hope you enjoy our 12 Days Of Christmas Celebration. We are incredibly grateful for your ongoing support and wish you a happy holiday season, and a terrific new year!
Happy New Year!
Cinnamon & Pixie Faire Team
My favorite winter sport use to be skiing but now that I’m older, it is walking.
My favorite winter sport is figure skating – it is sso graceful to watch! I don’t participate in any winter sports as we don’t have winter weather in the southern US.
My favorite winter sport is watching the snow fall from my window while I am sewing. Winter and I do not get along.
My favorite winter sport is figure skating.
My favorite winter sport is figure skating. Watching figure skating.
My favorite winter sport is sewing. Sorry, I’m not a sporty kind of gal. I do faithfully swim year round to get some oxygen going through my system. But to be truthful, it’s not my favorite thing to do. Maybe I’ll sew some sports clothes for the dolls. :D
My favorite winter sport is watching the ice skating on tv and going to hockey games.
My favorite winter sport is figure skating. I might not be able to skate, but I do enjoy watching others glide across the ice.
Favorite winter sport in S.Florida is water aerobics, same as summer, spring and fall
My favorite winter sport is sledding (though I also like ice skating). Sledding brings back wondeful memories of my childhood.
My favorite winter sport is walking my dog through the snow
My favorite winter sport is ice skating. I love the graceful movement.
My favorite winter sport is snow ball fights
My favorite winter sport is sledding with my grandson! We have a blast!
My favorite winter sport is skiing , on TV of course. I live in the south and snow is scarce so one has to travel to enjoy.
My favorite winter sport is ice skating. It was a family event with Daddy teaching his girls and
outnumbered son how to. Daddy was very good at it. Always tested the ice before we were allowed on it. Thinking back – don’t know what we would have done if he’d fallen in! Always our hero!
My favorite winter “sport” is to watch the snow while sitting inside by a fire.
My favorite winter sport is swimming. I loved it as a child, growing up in a farming community in the Sacramento Valley it was our main source of activity/entertainment during the summer months. As an adult, I’ve found that doing water aerobics is excellent exercise for seniors that you can do year round, so YES it is a winter sport. I also love swimming in the ocean and snorkeling when we vacation in Hawaii with our family. I don’t like cold weather so I’ve never wanted to ski or ice skate, but do I enjoy watching it on TV and we always watch the Olympics.
My favorite winter sport is throwing snowballs for my Labrador dog.
My favourite winter sport is walk in a park on a sunny cool afternoon. Winters in Sydney Australia don’t see much snow :-)
I love sledding! of course now that I’m older it’s more watching others sled :-0
My favorite winter sport is ice skating. Although I can no longer skate I still enjoy watching it on TV. Some of my earliest childhood memories are of spending hours on the ice at our farm. Magical
My favorite winter sport is sledding! And I love watching hockey!
My favorite winter sport is knitting by a window, hopefully looking at snowflakes.
Being in the mountains of East Tennessee my favorite winter sport is trying to sew up my fabric stash….Just kidding I love hiking, and I take long walks in our mountains all year long 😉
My favorite winter sport is sledding.I used to get off work really late at night, my friend would pick me up and after I changed my clothes we would go to a local park and sled for a couple of hours.
My favorite winter sport is skiing. And then cuddling up by the fire with a cup of hot cocoa and a good book!
My favorite winter sport is playing in the snow with my grandkids and having a snowball fight with them. Then drinking hot chocolate to warm up at our house.
My favorite winter sport is ice skating I love to watch it on tv too
My favourite winter sport is just being out in the fresh air, walking and enjoying life.
My favorite winter sport is bird watching.
My favourite winter sport is snowshoeing. I enjoy the company of a good friend and the peace of the winter.
My favorite winter sport is….snow tubing!! I mean, the lagging all the way down burns a ton of calories, right?! I love it!
My favorite winter sport is sewing, using one of your amazing patterns.
My favorite winter sport is ice skating. The skaters seem to fly…
My favorite winter sport is ice dancing.
My favorite winter sport is figure skating. I have been lucky enough to be able to see many Olympic ice skaters perform over the last 40 years in person.
My favorite winter sport is watching football and basketball
My favorite winter sport is in door volleyball. I loved watching my sons play for their high school.
My favorite winter sport is ice skating because it brings back delightful memories of my childhood!
My favourite Winter sport is watching the Four Man Bobsleigh race. It’s so fast and exciting and the results can change in a flash. There’s no pushing, shoving or confrontation between competitors, it’s just down to each teams individual performance.
My favorite winter sport is figure skating because I love music and dancing. I can’t ice skate but I love to watch them skate.
My favorite winter “sport” is knitting for dolls. I love all the pixie faire knit patterns i have made. ❤️
My favorite winter sport is ice skating then gathering around a fire afterwards with friends for hot cocoa!
My favorite winter sport is skiing!! I love the snow & being outdoors in the mountains ❣️
My favorite winter sport used to be skiing. Though injuries and surgeries prevent me from participating, i enjoy watching Winter Olympics.
My favorite Winter Sport is Ice Skating. I could watch the pros all day and love to try it a little myself.
My favorite winter sport is ice skating.
My favorite winter sport is staying by the fire, as I hate cold and I hate winter. Cold hearts me.
my favorite winter sport is ice skating! i can’t really do it anymore, because i had a bad knee injury as a tween that kind of ruined me for sports for life (and i’m only in my 20s now – RIP), but i still love watching figure skating and ice dancing on TV!
My favorite winter sports are downhill skiing, sledding, and walking down snowy lanes, under tree canopies that cascade over the street. It just looks so magical!
My favorite winter sport is figure skating.
My favorite winter sport is ice skating. South Africa has an amazingly talented pool of ice skaters, many of them on the international stage. Love watching my daughter skate and it is great exercise on a rainy winter day!
My favourite winter sport is ice skating. It is fun and beautiful to watch.
My favorite winter sport is skiing. I love to watch it, but not to do it!
My favorite winter spot is ice hockey. I love watching my boys play the game!
My favourite winter sport is ski jumping simply because of Eddie the Eagle. A true sportsman despite BOC efforts to deter him in his dreams.
“My favorite winter sport is ice skating, funny never had the opportunity to learn though.
My favorite winter sport is sledding. I just love how it feels to zip along so fast with the wind in your face.
My favorite winter sport is sipping hot cider by the fireplace! @ my age, I don’t dare risk falling and breaking a limb or hip on my body. I enjoyed winter as a child and young adult, but I would rather reminise those times & be kind to my body.
My favorite winter sport is cooking with my grandkids. We make a lot of different soups and I get to occasionally introduce a food they’ve never had. This time of year could be an unusual veggie like fennel – we make fennel salad for school lunches!
My favourite winter sport is cross-country skiing. I started cross-country skiing with my family when I was very young. I don’t get to do it often anymore as I now live in area area that normally does not get a lot of snow that sticks around. It is usually raining all winter instead. I have to travel at least one hour away to get to do any type of skiing. Perhaps my new year’s goal should be to get out cross-country skiing more.
My favorite winter sport is cross country skiing! It’s beautiful being out on the trails, through the woods and in the fresh air – the best part of winter. Plus you get your cardio in going up the hill and then zoooom down it fast!
I like riding and going on carriage rides in the winter. I like them too be trained in the summer so that by winter they are reliable to Ride & Drive.
“Mon sport d’hiver préféré est, mais je dois parler au passé car je ne pratique plus, donc mon sport d’hiver préféré lorsque j’étais enfant est : le ski de descente, je me rappelle les jolis moments quand notre Papa nous apprenait à skier et les moqueries de mes grands frères. Ah ! quand on est une petite filles les grands frères nous embêtent, mais mes grands frères me défendaient toujours si des enfants m’attaqué. Ces genres de souvenirs font remonter l’amour entre frères et sœur. BONNE ET HEUREUSE ANNEE 2022 AVEC UNE BONNE SANTE A TOUS, PRENEZ BIEN SOIN DE VOUS.”
My favorite sport to is make snow Angel’s with my kids. No with my grands. Next to that is to knit,crochet and sew as many doll clothes as I can for them to put on a doll.
My favorite winter sport is ice skating (although I was never very good at it). The cold, crisp air and the friends I got to share the time with was wonderful.
My favourite winter sport used to be sledding but it’s been years since I’ve done it.
I do love winter nights for how the snow buffers the sounds and makes it so quiet and peaceful outside. I love the early dark and late sunrise. It seems to make the world feel peaceful. But I was never much into sports unless you would consider knitting to be one!😂
My favorite winter sport is figure skating!
I’m not so much a sports participant, but I have always been a fan of watching Ice Skating.
My favorite winter sport is skiing. I haven’t done it for a while, but I loved it when I was younger and able to do it without falling and breaking anything. I loved skiing on fresh powder, it was the best. It was so exhilarating!
Ice skating was always my favorite winter activity. My favorite skating memory is being surrounded by mountains on the rink at Curry Village in Yosemite National Park.
My favorite winter sport is skating! I like to ice skate on a rink but I also love to watch professional figure skaters in the Olympics! Their costumes are always so cool.
My favorite winter sport is ice skating for all the pretty costumes!
My favourite winter sport is walking by the sea with a warm latte
Love ice hockey!
My favorite winter sport is skiing! Love to see some clothes for the new doll for that.
My favorite winter sport is walking with a good hot cocoa and a friend :)
“My favorite winter sport is basketball. It was not cold enough for snow where I grew up so we played netball, basketball, hockey, etc… during the winter months”
Downhill skiing- though at 71 with a bad knee it’s been several years since I last glided down the slopes of Big Sky
My favorite winter sport is shopping for cozy winter clothing!
I was raised right on Lake Michigan in the Upper Peninsula. As teens we used to wait for a February thaw of the top of the ice/snow, and a refreeze. Then we would skate across the bay from Rapid River to Escanaba (20 miles by road/too young to drive, but only 2-3 miles across the bay.) I LOVED the exercise of skating! (wasn’t any good at jumps or figures, but loved the exercise/peace/quiet.
My favorite winter sport is ice skating. I love to glide along and feel the wind on my face (even if it is all in my memories)
I am not really a winter sport fan but I look forward to snowmobiling as a passenger with my hubby❤️
My favorite winter sport is skiing.
I love ice skating. It is so much fun to watch & the costumes are usually beautiful.
My favorite winter sport is figure skating. I can stay nice and warm while watching it’s beauty.
My favorite Winter Sport is Ice Skating! All The Sparkles and Spins!
My favorite winter sport is cross-country skiing, although I haven’t gone in quite a while. It’s usually very pretty once I’m away from the beginner area, it’s very good exercise, and it’s not nearly as expensive or dangerous as downhill skiing!
My favourite winter sport is shovelling snow (not) but I do it anyhow! haha
My favorite winter sport is Figure Skating. Happy New Year Everyone!!!
Mon sport d’hiver préféré est le ski.
My favorite winter sport is building snowmen. ⛄️
My favorite winter sport is sledding. I love it because we go with family and friends. Everyone has such a fun time and we get to spend the afternoon together laughing and enjoying the outdoors.
My favorite winter sport is sledding! Yippee, what fun, there is snow for that right now!
My favorite winter sport is “Spring Cleaning”. It’s exercise and warms rather than chills. When Spring actually arrives, I’ll want to go outside, not tidy up winter’s clutter. All the chores that are too hot to do in summer, get ‘em done now! Attire includes smocks and aprons and cargo pants and vests with many pockets to keep tools warm-to-the-touch. I’ll relax with pre-warmed knitting needles or crochet hooks, no icy utensils.
ice hockey because I grew up playing as a child and I am forever invested as a fan.
My fav winter sport is figure skating!!!
Sorry, I have no favorite winter sports that I participate in. But I do watch figure skating on tv. Does that count?
January 01, 2022
I love watching ice skaters. Their beauty and grace is second to none, but I love looking at their skating outfits, too! They give me ideas for my own doll clothes!