Hi Everyone! We’re super excited to announce the 13th annual Pixie Faire 12 Days of Christmas celebration! This year we're doing things a little differently. The event will run on the traditional days – December 25th through January 5th, with daily updates and one amazing grand prize! All of it will happen here in this single blog post.
For 2024, the emphasis is 12 Days of Sewing With Cinnamon & Friends! We're going to share what's new & exclusive for SWC members, what's to come in 2024, and 12 days of a "taste and see" for everyone!
Are you ready?
What's New in 2024? Pixie Cuts: I'm super excited to announce that we will be rolling out Pixie Cuts as new exclusive benefit for Sewing With Cinnamon members. The Pixie Cuts collection of items is starting to roll out and includes (or will include):
These are stand alone, a-la-cart items (different than curated Pixie Packs). The items in this collection will be viewable by everyone but available exclusively for SWC members to purchase! We'll be adding to this collection over the 12 days, so be sure to check back frequently!
Not a member yet? Learn more about all the amazing benefits of the Sewing With Cinnamon membership community here: Sewing With Cinnamon
Oh Yeah, Just a reminder that Sewing With Cinnamon members can get free shipping* on qualifying orders! Be sure to read the details on the SWC sign-up page to learn more.
12 Days of Christmas Grand Prize Giveaway!
We love fabric and we know you love fabric too! We've collected a huge assortment of fabrics featured in Pixie Packs, trims, notions, and more to create the ultimate sewing bundle prize valued at over $300!
To enter the giveaway, scroll down to the bottom of this post and follow the instructions in the contest widget. On each day from December 25th through January 5th we are going to add additional ways to enter the grand prize giveaway. So, be sure to set your alarm, bookmark our blog, and remember to check back each day. The giveaway will begin today and end at midnight pacific time on January 5th. Don’t miss out!
What's in Store for 2024: Did you know that Sewing With Cinnamon launched in April 2017 and since that date we've published 78 courses, including over 300 individual videos Wow! You might think we've covered everything there is to cover, but you're wrong! We've polled members and come up with a set of new ideas for the coming year.
We're super excited about what we have planned for 2024! Here's the calendar of upcoming course themes:
Interested in joining the community? Learn more about all the amazing benefits of the Sewing With Cinnamon membership community here: Sewing With Cinnamon
SWC members get access to downloadable videos as well as streaming them. The 2024 courses will be exclusive content for members only!
A Sewing With Cinnamon Preview For Everyone!
I mentioned that we began posting SWC courses in April 2017, that's almost 7 years ago - I'm shocked at how time flies! We've begun to roll out the earliest courses on the Sewing With Cinnamon Youtube Channel and we're excited to have you check them out!
Over the next 12 days we'll be posting 12 full courses for everyone to enjoy!
Contest Details: You enter through the entry form that is embedded on this page and appears just below this paragraph, if you don't see it, be sure to visit the page from your desktop or an alternate browser such as Google Chrome. It may not appear on all mobile devices. The complete rules and entry details appear on the entry form. This is not a comment contest - in other words, leaving a comment on the bottom of this page is not an official entry method. The only required entry method is to leave a comment under this post and then confirm that you did it in the contest widget. One person will receive the Pixie Faire Ultimate Sewing Supplies Bundle. You can enter once, or gain multiple entries by completing the other entry methods and increase your chances of winning. Please review all Terms and Conditions on the giveaway page before entering. While we wish we could run this contest everywhere, for legal reasons it is only open to eligible residents of the U.S. and Canada, not including Rhode Island. This contest is exclusively endorsed by Pixie Faire.
Okay, good luck, and if we’ve forgotten anything we will modify and/or update this post as needed.
We hope you enjoy our 12 Days Of Christmas Celebration. We are incredibly grateful for your ongoing support and wish you a happy holiday season, and a terrific new year!
Merry Christmas!
Cinnamon & Team Pixie Faire
PS. We're working hard to make Sewing With Cinnamon & Friends your go-to resource for doll clothes sewing tutorials and instruction! Leave a comment below and let us know what types of courses or video tutorials you'd like to see us incorporate into our upcoming classes!
or fill in the blank "My biggest sewing challenge is______"
My biggest sewing challenge is sewing narrow rolled hems using the foot that came with my machine.
My biggest challenge is getting started. I look, find something, look some more find some more and so on.
So many things so many temptations.
My biggest sewing challenge is finding time to watch all of these fantastic videos. Are they going to be permanently on youtube, or will they disappear after the 12 days?
My biggest sewing challenge is keeping my supplies organized!
Keeping focused is hard for me.I am grateful to Pixie Faire for the videos, and sewing with Cinnamon You Tube. SWC always seems to refocus me.
My biggest challenge is button holes
My biggest sewing challenge is sewing narrow curved seams withoutgetting tucks in the seam (such as set in sleeves)
I would like to be able to make 15th thru 19th costumes. I have lots of pictures and would like to be able to copy this into working doll clothes.
One of my challenges is to make consistent sized button holes! I enjoy using the Pixie Faire doll clothes patterns.
My biggest sewing challenge is trying to tidy my sewing room so I can find what I am looking for!
My biggest challenge is to get everything set up so I can have good light to sew.
My biggest sewing challenge is just sitting down and getting started.
Tiny add-on are annoying. Often, I use fabric glue to save my sanity.
My biggest challenge is staying organized.
My biggest sewing challenge is sewing knit fabrics.
My current biggest challenge is getting my sewing area reorganized after a long illness and it being used as a “dumping area”! Progress is being made! And I’m looking forward to enjoying sewing again.
One of my biggest sewing challenges is to get a collar to lay flat and even on both sides.
My biggest sewing challenge is finding the time to sew. With work, kids, house, Husband just passed away and Grandma being sick, it is hard to get motivated in the evening, when you are tired.
Would love to see a video on how to do hand stitched buttonholes
I had no siblings growing up.so my companions were my dolls. Have always loved dolls to this day.I appreciate the video tips on you tube for making the wardrobes they wear. A big thank you for your time and inspiration.
My biggest sewing challenge is simply getting started. I do various projects. Quilting mostly and I need to set aside a day a week to just do doll clothes! My grandmother actually sold doll clothes for a living. She owned a small shoe shop and made beautiful doll clothes that she had in a small section within the store. So….she found time! Why can’t I?
My biggest challenge is health issues.
My biggest sewing challenge is finding prints the right size for doll clothes.
My biggest sewing challenge is not having enough time to sew all my ideas.
My biggest challenge is trying to find the time to sew
My biggest challenge is just getting started
Mu biggest challenge is to try to find the time to sew
My biggest sewing challenge is finishing projects
My biggest challenge is to get more organized.
My biggest sewing challenge is keeping little garments from fraying.
My biggest sewing challenge is making time to sew.
My biggest sewing challenge is convincing myself that I can do it.
Love using the Pixie faire patterns!!
My biggest sewing challenge is organizing my works in progress and prioritizing them in order to work on first. Which I am working on right now, so hopefully I can overcome this challenge:)
Just beginning to make doll clothes with my granddaughter after a many year break since making them with my grown daughters. This is very helpful!!
My biggest challenges have been nicely addressed by watching the Pixie Faire videos!
My biggest sewing challenge is finding the right fabric! I’m often very picky abiut what I’m looking for to use in a specific project. I spent days searching for the closest fabric match I coukd get over the summer. The fabric became a doll dress I am extremely proud of, so my pickiness was rewarded for sure!
My biggest challenge is which of your wonderful patterns for RRFF to make next! Thank you!
My biggest sewing challenge is having sewing and craft supplies organized! I wish I had a convenient dedicated storage space with easy access to patterns, notions, fabric, etc. I would have said “TIME” was biggest challenge, but it’s the delay organizing materials and supplies that cuts down on that time. I hope the new year brings untold blessings to the Pixie Faire bunch, the Sew Powerful ladies, and all you craft and sewing addicts who use your talents to bless others.
My biggest challenge is starting a project. I have lots of ideas, and then don’t start one. Do you think anyone would like to make the “Villager” clothes from the 1960’s? The blouses had Peter Pan collars and little prints. The skirts were pleated or A-line. The sweaters matched the skirt color.
My biggest sewing challenge is procrastination. I put chores in front of sewing but then I procrastinate the chores.
I love dolls and own a lot. I love sewing for dolls though time is always an issue. I find it hard to work with fiddly pieces but try nonetheless.
My biggest sewing challenge is sticking to one project and finishing it until it is done!
I’d love to see more 60s fashion.
Your videos have addressed several of my sewing challenges from making Jane’s, sewing invisible zippers, and shirring wit elastic.
My biggest sewing challenge is working with silky, slippery, thin, fine, sparkly, sequin-y fabrics!
One of my biggest challenges at the moment is never being home! I’m away at various homes of my family to help them out, so I really need more time at home at my own sewing machine. :)
Getting snaps to match perfectly. Unfortunately, the pin in the center holes no longer work. The holes are too tiny. I also can never sew a button over a snap unless I can slip my finger between the bodice and the facing.
My biggest sewing challenge is staying organized!
My biggest sewing challenge is my 40+ year old seeing machine.
I wish I had better internet so that I could watch SWC.
Keeping things organized. I lose sewing time when I have to turn the place upside down looking for what I need.
I have trouble working with glue!
Finding time to sew when I have so many things that need doing.
I would like to see a course on bead embellishment for dolls.
My biggest challenge is getting started. I have so many ideas in my head, but it’s hard pushing the “Go” button!
My biggest sewing challenge is fixing my hand from carpel tunnel and trigger finger so I can sew again. After 3 babies this past year I had surgery so I can get moving again.
I would like to see a class on taking apart jewelry and repurposing on dolls and doll clothes.
Another idea for a class, If possible, how to make head bands?, barrettes? I have tried to figure out on my own if it is possible to make a doll headband out of a larger one.
A big challenge for me is taking the time to sew. I can get sidetracked with other things, when I should be sewing.
My biggest challenge is taking time to finish started projects before beginning a new one.
I’m looking forward to shoes and more shoes
My biggest challenge is finding the time
My biggest sewing challenge is figuring out what fabric to use and zippers.
My biggest challenge is my life is to busy to sew right now.
My biggest challenge is finding time to sew, since my Husband passed, I don`t have much time left for myself.
My biggest challenge is getting motivated
My biggest challenge is finding time to sew
My biggest sewing challenge is sewing buttonholes that are all the same size.
More on sewing with stretch fabric
My biggest sewing challenge is finishing projects.
The shoes are the best of the best. And I enjoy the videos. Wonderful instructions.
My biggest challenge since i retired is getting everything done i want to do and still find time to sew. I love to sew for my Welli Wisher dolls, but there is not a market for these doll clothes around here, so i mostly sew for the 18 inch AG dolls.
My biggest sewing challenge is finding to time to make all the dresses I have patterns to make!
My biggest sewing challenge is choosing the fabric colour and print suitable to the pattern .
MORE SEW ALONG CLASS and more time to watch
My biggest challenge is machine embroidery, especially on small doll outfits
My biggest challenge is to find time to make clothes for my now great granddaughter who just got her first doll.
My biggest sewing challenge is making time to sew.
What to make next
So many projects so little time.
My biggest sewing challenge is not enough time to make all the things I want to.
Unfortunately my invisible zipper foot only has a small hole for the needle and one groove for the teeth so I’m not sure how to use it. I own a Singer sewing machine.
My biggest challenge is your generosity! So much good stuff to learn, and to make use of.
My biggest challenge is what to make next
My biggest challenge is finding new and different fabrics and findings to make unique one of a kind outfits.
I need time to organize my work area!!
My biggest challenge is trying to stay organized to be able to sew quickly.
My biggest challenge is finding time and energy to sew
My biggest challenge is finding time to finish all of the different projects I have started.
My biggest sewing challenge is that I feel like I only know the “old way” to do things.
My biggest sewing challenge is getting buttonholes even.
How about a class in choosing trims to fit the scale size of either the fabric and/or pattern.
I would like to get more proficient at using the many different presser feet that I have .
Time is my biggest challenge.
My biggest sewing Charlie finding the time to sew.
My biggest challenge is that I bought a new sewing machine and I am intimidated by the increased technology. Due to this and the holidays I have not attempted to sew on it. I will do it probably next week after packing up all these decorations.
I learned how easy it is to put binding around a neck edge or the waistband of a skirt! I was daunted at first but now it’s easy-peasy!
My biggest challenge is not sewing only one outfit. I need to learn to sew in batches. Once I make one item and show people , they want it.
My biggest sewing challenge is finding the time for it.
January 04, 2024
My biggest sewing challenge is shirring. I’ve never tried it because it looks so difficult. I’ve seen baby dresses with it that have embroidery on top and I would love to learn how to make them.