12 Days of Christmas - Day 5 Giveaway! (Dec. 29, 2022)

Welcome to DAY 5 of our 12 Days of Christmas celebration!

For our 5th Day Of Christmas giveaway, we are doing a GIVEAWAY of one $100 Amazon Gift Card to one lucky winner. The gift card can be used towards any item available on the Amazon or Fabric.com websites. Woot, Woot!

Maybe you'll use your gift card to buy some things to get your sewing room organized! It is that time of year when cleaning things out and getting organized are top of mind. If you're interested in some ideas to get you going, be sure to check out Cinnamon's Sewing Room Tours and Organizing Videos! Your can see several of them on the SWC Youtube Channel and more in SWC+


Feeling Inspired? Check out the other organization videos too!


ENTER TO WIN A $100 Amazon Gift Card!



To enter this week's contest, simply click the link below and then enter through the giveaway widget at the bottom of the blog post, there are many things you can do to earn multiple entry points!

Contest Details: You enter through the entry form that is embedded on this page and appears just below this paragraph, if you don't see it, be sure to visit the page from your desktop or an alternate browser such as Google Chrome. It may not appear on all mobile devices. The complete rules and entry details appear on the entry form. This is not a traditional comment contest - in other words, leaving a comment on the bottom of this page is not an official entry method. The only required entry method is to leave a comment under this post and then confirm that you did it in the contest widget by clicking "I commented". One person will receive the Gift Card. You can enter once, or gain multiple entries by completing the other entry methods and increase your chances of winning. Please review all Terms and Conditions on the giveaway page before entering. While we wish we could run this contest everywhere, for legal reasons it is only open to eligible residents of the U.S. and Canada, not including Rhode Island. This contest is exclusively endorsed by Pixie Faire and Sewing With Cinnamon. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway



Commenting below and confirming your entry in the widget above gives you one entry method, the other methods are listed in the widget above, be sure to enter in as many ways as you can to receive the maximum amount of entries to win the prize! 


Entry method #1, comment on this blog post finishing the following sentence…

“My biggest sewing organization challenge is______.”

Comments must be left (on this blog post) by midnight (pacific) on Wednesday, 12/29/2022.

The widget will be updated the following day with the first name of the winner. The winner will be contacted at the emial provided when entering.

Additionally, by commenting, you agree to allow us to use your comments for future promotional activities. In other words – we might quote you when we are putting together new testimonial pages. If you’re not okay with that – don’t leave a comment :)


Okay, good luck, and if we’ve forgotten anything we will modify and/or update this post as needed.

We hope you enjoy our 12 Days Of Christmas Celebration. We are incredibly grateful for your ongoing support and wish you a happy holiday season, and a terrific new year!

Happy New Year!

Cinnamon & Pixie Faire Team




December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is keeping material for doll clothing and material for quilting organized and still have a room that doesn’t look cluttered.

Jessica Leigh
Jessica Leigh

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is the fabric! IU never want to throw any of it away but I have bins upon bins of it.

Debbie West
Debbie West

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is…..keeping track of when certain projects are due for whom, because I sew all year long for all 8 of my grandkids, 2 great-grands, as well as 5 prayer pals, not to mention family and friends birthdays — AND Christmas gifts!!!

Yvette Harrison
Yvette Harrison

December 29, 2022

Having a place to put everything in my new small space!


December 29, 2022

Keeping it tidy after a project. I have a very tiny room that is exploding with fabrics, trims, dolls and patterns


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is not having a room in my house dedicated to just crafting.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is keeping track of my HUGE fabric collection and what I want to make with it.

Beth C
Beth C

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is keeping track of what fabric and notions I have.

Linda E
Linda E

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organizational challenge is having enough storage space-I am constantly reorganizing things to make my projects easier which helps but having adequate space would certainly be better. Oh to have a dedicated room to be able to organize everything is but a dream right now!!

Katherina Mosqueda
Katherina Mosqueda

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization problem is keeping my fabric organized so I can see what I have. I have bought fabric I already have for a project because I can’t locate the original piece.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is that I don’t have a designated space for sewing. All my sewing stuff sits in boxes or in a closet if I’m not in the middle of a project. And if I am in the middle of a project, my sewing machine sits on my table and my sewing stuff all over the floor (and chairs, and counters, etc).

Jennifer C
Jennifer C

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is keeping everything neat and organized. I tend to start spreading everything out and then it just turns into a mess lol


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is lack of sufficient space.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is keeping things tidy and in their places


December 29, 2022

My biggest organization challenge is keeping track of my fabric and knowing what I have


December 29, 2022

…figuring out how to store smallish pieces of fabric without them being lost in a big bin. Not sure there is a solution to this problem that won’t cause plastic pollution!


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing challenge is keeping everything in it’s place as I complete projects!

Emily Megee
Emily Megee

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organizational challenge is having a good space for my sewing things.

Debbie Oates
Debbie Oates

December 29, 2022

My biggest organizational challenge is putting everything back in it’s place as I sew….otherwise it takes me weeks of downtime to figure out where it belongs. The struggle is real!

Nancy R
Nancy R

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is shared space.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is what to do with small scraps of fabric, things that are left over bits from other projects and big enough to just for something but to irregular to fold.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is Not having a sewing room anymore! 😆


December 29, 2022

My biggest organization problem is getting several projects going and getting things back in their proper place as I finish with them.

Debbie Hall
Debbie Hall

December 29, 2022

My biggest organization challenge is storing different sizes of ribbon spools.

Mary R,
Mary R,

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is to finish what I started. I always have 5 or 6 projects going on at the same time.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is finding a system that I can maintain, for example putting away fabrics and other materials in the right place to find them next time.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is my ribbons and laces! They seem to have minds of their own. The spooled ribbon is on one of several ribbon organizers but the loose bits can be a nightmare! I have enough ribbon and lace to start my own notions shop and it can be a real headache!

Janie K
Janie K

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is what to keep and what to donate. It is very hard for me to get rid of anything in the sewing category.

Dorothy S.
Dorothy S.

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is storing my fabric in such a way that I can readily see what I have.

Marty Cox
Marty Cox

December 29, 2022

My biggest organization challenge is organizing my fabric and trims so I know where I put them — what storage tub or container, etc.

Allison T
Allison T

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is storing the doll clothes after I have made them.

Bettie C Minshall
Bettie C Minshall

December 29, 2022

My biggest organization challenge is storing fabric in a way that makes it easier to see what I have and to make it more readily accessible.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization problem is fabric storage.


December 29, 2022

My biggest challenge is to refrain from starting a new project when I have so many UFOs

Anne  Myers
Anne Myers

December 29, 2022

My biggest challenge is to refrain from starting something new when I have so many UFOs

Carol L
Carol L

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing challenge is organizing my fabric. I quilt as well as making doll clothes and I love to collect fabric. But finding the piece I know I have? That’s the challenge!

Kari L. Bjorklund
Kari L. Bjorklund

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is space!! After that it would probably be thread and bobbins!


December 29, 2022

My biggest challenge is space. I have a sewing room but so much stuff, I have to put some in another room.

Marcy Mahle
Marcy Mahle

December 29, 2022

My biggest organization challenge is that I have none because I love love love to organize. Honestly I should have gone into business. I love organizing everything and I love helping family and friends to organize. Starting next week, we will be sorting thru things and sending unused items and clothing to Goodwill or to St. Vincent. My plan is to totally organize my two doll rooms. My hubby will be putting together some more Billy bookcases we bought from Ikea and the doors for them.

Wendy T
Wendy T

December 29, 2022

…putting things away.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is sorting through my stash before I buy some more.

Joy W.
Joy W.

December 29, 2022

Even though I have completed coursework about organizing, I find it challenging to efficiently use what I know about my personal style of organizing. After uncovering little items and unfinished projects, assigning a place for them, or a time to finish them, is a challenge.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is where do I put all the fabric.

Ginger Waltemyer
Ginger Waltemyer

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is knowing when enough is enough! I continually adopt fabrics and notions from various people and ources…..I can’t turn anything down, just in case I might need it someday!

Misty Chapman
Misty Chapman

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is any kind of organization. I don’t have any single spot in my home for it so have to search in multiple rooms, closets and random spots to find what I need for a project.

Scottie Erikstrup
Scottie Erikstrup

December 29, 2022

My biggest challenge is space and time. I need more of both.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is storage of the many fabrics and trims I have collected so that I can find what I need in a timely manner. I also have a problem keeping my sewing space neat while working on a project.

Kay Goebel
Kay Goebel

December 29, 2022

I have to clean up my room when we have company since my room is also my guest room.

Kathleen Rowley
Kathleen Rowley

December 29, 2022

My biggest organization challenge is keeping clutter to a minimal. Example having my phone out, pins all over, pattern pieces not put back, people trying to talk to me while doing a project. Yes I have a craft room.

Nancy Saller
Nancy Saller

December 29, 2022

My biggest organization challenge is keeping it neat and organized.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is storage of a wide range of notions/trims, usually remnants in an easy-to-find way.


December 29, 2022

My biggest problem is finding the right size storage containers.

Ruth Ann D.
Ruth Ann D.

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is limiting how many projects I have started at once. I tend to bring out everything I need for each and then my sewing room gets cluttered.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is that I don’t have a big enough space.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is finding what fits and works in my space. I also struggle with having too much fabric and starting but not finishing projects. Help!


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing room challenge is trying to find the floor!!


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is finding things after I attempt to organize my sewing space!


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing room challenge is keeping my lace and trims organized.

Sissy Lingle
Sissy Lingle

December 29, 2022

“My biggest sewing organization challenge is getting started going through the mess!

Cheryl Strayer
Cheryl Strayer

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing room organization problem is well… organizing many years worth of bits and jobs!


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is where to keep my collection of fabrics to be used.

Karen Hurd
Karen Hurd

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing room organizational challenge is letting go of supplies that I am not likely to use. It is hard because you know as soon as you donate your leftover items (buttons, ribbons, etc.) you find you could have used them on a project! So essentially it is a space issue.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing challenge is to finish the numerous projects I started!

Sandra Lelleck
Sandra Lelleck

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is having all of my supplies where I can find them when I want to use them because I am so blessed to have many plastic totes full.

Mary Ann Barrett
Mary Ann Barrett

December 29, 2022

My biggest organization challenge is how to configure the She Shed my Mother-in-law gave me for helping her. This She Shed is suppose to let me work on my dolls. I have three or four American Girl dolls. And lots of patterns from PixieFaire. A organization cabinet would go a long way to get this going.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is_keeping all my fabrics and accessories organized _.”


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization problem is locating patterns, designs and hints on my computer. U save a lot but have difficulty locating them when I need them.


December 29, 2022

My biggest challenge is having enough room to storage all my supplies and finished products


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is making time to sew

Jackie Koepnick
Jackie Koepnick

December 29, 2022

Keeping fabric organized


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is keeping my fabric neatly folded


December 29, 2022

a challenge to find fabric online since fabric.com ceased to exist in October


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is the diversity of types of fabric I have versus the containers or shelves I have to put them on. They end up together and then I play hunt and seek when I want something particular.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is finding a good way to display what I have made.


December 29, 2022

Actually, my fabric is fairly organized in cardboard dress pattern boxes (of yesterday). They stack perfectly for storage. However, when I pull fabrics to audition a pattern, that’s when I get in trouble. Attempting to return the rejected fabrics to correct storage boxes isn’t as much fun as pulling them originally.


December 29, 2022

My organization issue is where do I put all my stuff—-I do not have enough room to put all of the stuff that I want—fabric, patterns, thread, yarn, scissors, pins, needles, knitting and crochet stuff, and all the electronic files of stuff—-and ESPECIALLY my doll patterns!!!!!! Happy New Year!!! GOD bless y’all.


December 29, 2022

Is to keep my sewing room clean and in order.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organizational challenge is space. I have ribbons, lace etc. in nice plastic, rubbermaid type containers or stacker drawers, but I’d like to combine some of the smaller containers into larger ones. The smaller ones are stacked on the carpet around the room, meaning I have to move several to get to one. I’ll have to think about how to do this more efficiently.

Sarah B
Sarah B

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organizational challenge is finding room to put anything in my tiny home. Even storing our sewing machines is a challenge.

Donna Cutting
Donna Cutting

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing challenge is having enough storage space.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is keeping my small space full of multiple active projects at once, neat and still being able to not only access each project and tool, but also remember where each active project is stacked.


December 29, 2022

My biggest challenge is keeping imy work area straightened up


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization problem is putting everything away when I am finished with a project before starting the next one. I can’t help it; I am so excited to get on to the next item I want to create that I just dive in and then I have twice the stuff to put away!!


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is sorting and story fabric scraps! I have bins and boxes bu they are just a giant mush of all kinds of things.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is knowing what fabrics I already have


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is not having enough space to store sewing items or to even sew much.

sandy darga
sandy darga

December 29, 2022

My sewing challenge is keeping my fabric organized and putting the items from my last project away before starting a new one.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is keeping patterns organized. I like to print out two copies of each new pattern, cut out one copy and store both in clear plastic sleeves in binders. I have been a member of SWC from the beginning so I have lots of patterns.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is organising my small tools and equipmeny.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is bigger items like fluff stuffings, bulk fabrics, and interfacing.


December 29, 2022

My biggest challenge is trying to stay organized in my small sewing studio.

Paula Machnik
Paula Machnik

December 29, 2022

My biggest organization challenge is not having a big enough house to have a dedicated sewing room.

Linda Fogt
Linda Fogt

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is what to do with all my patterns i by from pixie varies web site I have binders full and can’t seem to store them all in one place to find what I am looking for.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is not having the space or sewing tools, supplies, & things I need.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is living in a mobile home and no space to dedicate to sewing.


December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is lack of space.

DellaSue Sheline
DellaSue Sheline

December 29, 2022

I have a small room and a lot to put in it. I just don’t have the space. I try not to buy more but you know how that works. I keep trying to limit my purchases to just what is needed. I just need a better way to organize everything!


December 29, 2022

My biggest challenge is having a dedicated space for my sewing machine and supplies.
Thank you for all the freebies and giveaways!

Denise Darby
Denise Darby

December 29, 2022

my biggest challenge is finding a home for everything i have in my small sewing room.

Margaret Bellon
Margaret Bellon

December 29, 2022

My biggest sewing organization challenge is having too small of a room.

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